I don't have much to say these days.
I started taking the parlodel to lower my prolactin. We had a nice relaxing trip to the snow last weekend. I've been tired exhausted all week. Came home early from work on Tuesday so that I could nap. Took Friday off so that I could couch lounge. Slept well over 10 hours every night this week. Besides all the sleep, I just feel generally weak and tired.
Maybe I am fighting the flu, or maybe it is the parlodel. It doesn't really matter, I guess.
I am trying to figure out what my plan for next week will be. Should I just plan on a 20 hr week, and hand off the projects that need attention? I don't want to use up my vacation time, but I really doubt I can get thru a full work day with this exhaustion.
I had my mock embryo transfer last week on Wednesday. It was not pleasant. The Dr had a very difficult time threading the catheter thru my cervix. By the time he finally got it in I was cramping and wincing. I was not prepared for the intensity of pain when he hit the top of my uterus with that thing. I actually cried out in pain laying there on that table. It was basically over after that, but I could barely stand and walk the cramps were so bad. Luckily I had a massage scheduled and was fully relaxed and recovered by the end of my massage.
I also got 'the calendar' last week. I keep taking bcp until March 3rd, then start stims on March 8th. My prescriptions got faxed to the pharmacy and my credit card got charged nearly $4,000 for all the meds. (We had about $1,000 worth of Braville leftover from ML which they are letting us use.)
There are a few ladies who are quickly nearing their due dates, Julie, Genevieve, Dory, Alison. They are some of the first BFP's that I got to celebrate when I started blogging. They gave me so much hope that pregnancy was a realistic outcome for us. It feels a little surreal that they will be holding their perfect little ones in their arms before I get the results of this cycle.
love and hugs,
3 hours ago