I'd love your feedback... (asked with a tender heart)
All You Need is Love
Baby Cakes 's Story
Once upon a time there was a little boy and a little girl.
The little boy was named ML. He was born in Maine where he lived with his mommy and a daddy and a big sister who all loved him very very much. When he was still a baby his family moved to Boston, and then when he was even bigger he moved with his mommy and sister to San Diego.
The little girl was named Foxy. She had a mommy and a daddy and two little sisters who loved her very much. She was born in San Francisco, but her daddy was in the Army and so her family moved to many different places, until they finally settled in California to live near her grandma and grandpa.
ML was a very smart independent little boy. He loved to explore and build things. School was easy for him, and he had lots of different friends. He liked music and ...( getting ML to complete this sentence is like pulling teeth...)
Foxy was also a very smart and independent little girl. She loved to play in the forest near her house and make up stories with her friends. She tried very hard to do her best at school and always looked forward to playing sports after-school.
After they graduated from High School, ML and FOxy both went to college. ML studied Architecture and Foxy studied Business. They both made lots of friends and had a lot of fun with their new friends when they were not in class.
One special day, when they were almost finished with college, ML and FOxy met each other. FOxy thought that ML was very handsome and ML though that FOxy was very pretty. ML called Foxy and took her out on a date. The more time that they spent together the more that ML and Foxy liked each other.
ML and Foxy went on many grand adventures together. FOxy took ML to (home) to meet her mom and dad and sisters and friends. ML took Foxy to (home) to meet his dad, and to (home) to meet his sister, and to (home) to meet his mom and aunts and uncles. They went to parades and concerts with ML friends S, and T, and K, and C. They went skiing with FOxy's friends A, and M, and G, and D. They went camping, and to concerts, and a long train ride. They had so much fun together.
On another very special day, ML and Foxy invited all of their family and friends to join them as they publicly announced their love and commitment to each other at their wedding. It was one of the happiest days of their lives.
After they were married ML and FOxy continued to go on many fun adventures - skiing in the mountains, backpacking, camping on the beach with their puppy Callisto, traveling to Maui, and so much more. They had lots of parties at their house and spent lots of time with their friends and family.
ML and FOxy's life was so full of love and they wanted to share their love with a baby.
But after a long time they still did not make a baby so they decided to ask a doctor for help. There were many different doctors who helped them, and they took lots of tests and medicine. The doctors told ML and Foxy that they would need to use a special procedure called IVF and some special donor cells to help them get pregnant and have a baby. ML and Foxy were sad that they needed help, but happy that the doctors could help them.
ML and Foxy hugged and kissed each other and were so happy when they found out that FOxy was finally pregnant. Everyone watched FOxy stomach grow bigger and bigger as the baby grew inside.
Baby Cakes was born on December 27, 2011 in xxx. He was immediately welcomed into the arms of his mommy (Foxy) and daddy (ML) who loved him so very very much. They were so excited.
So many people had been waiting for Baby cakes's grand arrival and there was an explosion of love for this very special little boy. Soon after his birth he was visited by so many friends and family. They showered him with love and kisses and wishes for a life full of joy and laughter and adventure.
Once upon a time there was a little boy.
He was named Baby Cakes.
He had a mommy and daddy who loved him so very very much
All you need is love.
All you need is love.
All you need is love, love.
Love is all you need.

Hello! This is so lovely and thank you so much for sharing... I've already started thinking about how we will do something similar for our twins, also conceived via DI. I love how you give the who,e history of who you guys are, I'm sure that will be so fun to read and talk about together.
One question I have though is about using the term 'donor cells' quickly in there. To me (and I really hope it's ok to say this) it feels a little thrown in and not explained fully? So I'd think about how you might answer questions from your little one that might then arise?
One thing I learned from going to the donor conception network meetings and reading the 'our story' books is that it makes sense to think about what are age appropriate terms and adjust them repeatedly. Their books talk about 'seeds from a kind man' which I'm not sure I'm crazy for but it's a start.
Anyhow, I really really appreciate you sharing this and will look forward to comparing notes when we get around to writing ours!
That is soooo amazing! It makes me want to do one for our kids too. My story was ovarian drilling which is an interesting one to explain in child terms, but would be a great read!
So cute and creative! I didnt like the cookie cutter adoption books out there either and ended up making my own on Shutterfly!
Awww the story is perfect Foxy!
I love the idea of creating your own story!
This is really sweet. What a great idea to personalize it!
Do you mind sharing the titles of books you were able to find about donor conception, or where you found them? Thanks!
A few cells?? You mean like half his DNA?? You are writing this book for your son and like it or not the donor sperm fact is going to be something important not something glossed over as a "a few cells".
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