Come on Baby, Can we please get this party started already?
I am working hard to keep my head from getting ahead of me. We are still well within the normal healthy window for pregnancy, but I can't help but worry about what happens if come Friday we still don't have a baby.
I did send an email to the OB colleague I mentioned in my last post. I also called his clinic and made an appointment for Thursday. I told the kid who answered the phone that I was 42 weeks pregnant, under the care of a homebirth midwife, and needed to schedule a Biophysical Profile this week. He said that he could get me in for an appointment in January... And after a ridiculous amount of back and forth, where he asked me if I was pregnant, called me by a different name, and again offered me an appointment in January, I now have an appointment for this Thursday and a message (that I insisted he repeat back to me to be sure he had it right) that will be hand delivered to the Dr this afternoon.
In retrospect I wish that we had continued seeing our OB in parallel with the midwives. We would have had to lie to her about our homebirth plans, which is what everyone else does. The medical system is so f'd up. Grrr.
I have to respond to the first troll-like anonymous comment I've ever received following my last post. While I appreciate concern and suggestions, I really resent the implication that I would do anything to put my baby's health in danger. I have done my research and made well informed choices about my medical care. I fully respect that there are different models of maternity care and trust that women are capable of making decisions that are best for them. Furthermore, I take serious issue with any medical professional who uses threats or fear based tactics to pressure patients.
This space is a safe place for me to spew out all of my fears and anxieties about our family building. Just as it is unacceptable for HBear to defy our house rules (stay tuned for that post), it is simply tasteless and inappropriate to leave comments on my blog that are not kind and supportive. enough said.
I just got a text from Marianne at My Violet Thoughts with picture of her holding her beautiful daughter. She'd texted back on the 13th that she was going in to be induced for Pre-Eclampsia and had been on my mind since then. I am so happy that she and baby are healthy!
Kerri at Uncommon Nonsense posted this morning that her labor is progressing - I am SO excited for her!
I just got a nice long massage, my third in the past week! I figure being 41 weeks pregnant is as good a reason as any to indulge. :)
Okay, and the plan for the week is now in place (thanks to the email I sent to OB colleague)... We have an appointment with OB colleague for a modified Biophysical Profile tomorrow (11 days past due) at 9:30am. We will then head to our midwives for an appointment to review the results and get my membranes stripped. As long as things look good we'll schedule a second BPP for Friday (14 days past due), and consider an induction on Saturday (when OB colleague is on call) or on Monday (when the other Dr we respect is on call.)
In the meantime I am trying to remain patient, and once again letting go of the HOW we achieve this Someday dream. Regardless of how we get there, we will be holding this baby in our arms in a matter of days.

I'll be thinking of you! Can't wait to see pictures of your baby :)
Glad that you were able to get an appointment with the OB - hopefully all goes well! Can't wait for you to get to meet your baby - and for us to see pictures!!
Oh Foxy, you deserve a medal. I'm only two days passed and physically really uncomfortable. I keep telling myself the same thing - I can do this, the baby will be here in ** days for less!
Good for you for getting massages!
Can't wait to read the good news about your little one finally join the world!
Hang in there mama.
Some people are just so unhelpful on the phone, how unbelievable?!?!? So glad you got through in the end. Im sending positive thoughts your way that it all goes smoothly for you xxx
A) I had to laugh at what an idiot that guy on the phone must have been. "Sure, you're 42 weeks pregnant, so I'll get you in in January..."
B) Medical doctors can be big douches, and that person who commented sounds like a perfect example.
C) As much as I think a home birth would be GREAT (I wish I could have one), I think letting go of birth expectations is a good thing to do. I always feel so sad for people who feel as if they failed if their birth didn't go according to plan. I understand wanting to birth your baby in a specific way - I had a detailed birth plan and wanted everything totally natural. Well, things didn't work out quite that way, but luckily I was able to adjust my expectations and didn't end up dwelling on it.
Come on baby!!! Maybe the massage will do the trick! Thinking of you!
I work as a physician assistant so I'm always sad when people discredit the medical world. I know all medical providers are different but I believe that most are doing what they believe is best for patients. Sorry you've been let down.
With that said, I'm glad you've found an OB who will monitor you at this point. Sometimes babies are just more stubborn, but it's always better safe than sorry! I just wanted our little girl to arrive healthy no matter what that took. And you'll just be relieved to be a mom! Hope your next post is a birth announcement. :)
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