BPP looked good, but my cervix is still closed and we don't have any signs that labor is coming.
The decision had to be made. We came home to pack and are headed back to the hospital to be induced.
We've tried just about everything in the book to get things started on our own, with nothing to show for our efforts. Sex, orgasm, nipple stimulation, walking, induction massage with hypnotherapy, induction accupuncture, meditation audios, evening primrose oil, homeopathy, castor oil, everything...
I am trying so hard to be strong right now. To be calm.
I want so much to be excited about this day and what is about to happen.
But what I really feel is scared.
Which is hard because I can't quite put my head around what exactly I am so afraid of.

Best of luck! May things go nice and smooth for you. I will be thinking of you!
Good luck. Thinking of you <3
Good luck. Jeff and I are sending you lots of love!
Good luck! Hope all goes well!!
Good luck. Thoughts and prayers for a safe delivery and birth experience.
EEEK!! So exciting! I hope your fears calm and you just get to take everything in. Can't wait to hear all about it!
I think it's perfectly normal to be scared of the unknown. Everything will be great and congrats on meeting your baby!!!
Good luck! Just think about holding your baby when you get nervous or worried :) xx
Sending you lots of positive thoughts. Can't wait to meet the new little one.
Keeping you and babyfoxy in my thoughts and prayers tonight. Love you girl - you're gonna be amazing I just know it!
Good luck!! Lots of positive easy-birth healthy-baby vibes coming your way!
Good luck, you are in my thoughts and prayers! Big hugs, I hope it turns out to be as close as possible to what you wanted, given the circumstances being as they are. I hope the hospital doesn't leave you regretting not having the home birth. Keep us posted!
Best of luck Foxy. I thought u went in for induction on x-mas, but I guess I was confused.
Feeling anxious is normal, but do try to get some rest if u can, before it all starts. Sending u strength and calm. U r going to be great.
Praying for you, your DH, and your little one!
so exciting! good luck!!!
I've been checking your blog every night to see how youre doing - so happy for you and looking forward to hearing about your babe. After having a scheduled c-section due to my daughter being breech, I can promise you won't care or regret anything about her birth, all you will feel is joy at finally holding your child. Good luck however it happens, try not to worry and I'll be thinking about you.
foxy, thinking of you, and waiting to hear the wonderful news! everything will go well.
Hang in there! There are A LOT of people out there rooting for you! :) Stay strong.
I hope things are going well for you.
prayers! I hope everything is going good for you
keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!
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