We had our appointment for a modified Biophysical Profile this morning and everything looks perfect. Plenty of amniotic fluid. A healthy placenta. And most importantly a happy baby with strong heart rates. They could even see on the monitor that I am having some contractions. Excellent.
We made an appointment for another check on Friday at 10:30am, but as we left the Dr. wished us well and said he thought that things would happen before then.
We are heading over to the midwives today at 3pm to chat. I'm pretty sure I am going to ask for an internal check and membrane sweep. I want to ask them a little about Bishop Scores and find out if they are able and willing to act as doulas for us if we end up opting for induction this weekend.

So glad to hear things are going well, but looking forward to more updates!
Glad everything is going well with the little one (although I was pretty sure it would be:). You're just making such a nice little home for him/her that s/he doesn't want to come out!
Here's a story - my good friend went 13 days overdue. She had an appointment on the 13th day where she had NO progress whatsoever. So the doctor told her to check into the hospital that night for the cervadil to prep her cervix, and then an induction in the morning. She went to the hospital about 5 hours later and she was 80% effaced, and went into labour by herself overnight.
Granted, she was one of those people I mentioned whose due date was moved up by two or three weeks, which was impossible because she was at the end of a cycle and then had a full period a few days after she was supposed to have conceived.
But that's not the point. The point is, you never know when your body is suddenly going to get into gear and evict that baby!
So glad the baby is still doing well. Hang in there.
All the best best Foxy!
I didn't have any progress at all up until the day I delivered and then I was a 5 when I got to the hospital. So don't fear! Things will happen and it's a good sign you're having contractions. Hope your next post is an announcement!
Glad things are going well, and I'm anxious to see that little bun! Here's hoping that everything continues to go smooth!
Following along.. exciting times! I really hope you get the birth experience you want.
Glad to see all is well. I wish you a quick and uneventful delivery. Hugs!
Thinking of you love!!!!!!!!!
All the best for you Foxy! Sending you much love!! :)
Hi! Thanks for the comments! Hope you've had your baby by now!!!
I am hoping that since you've been quiet it means you're busy cuddling with your new little one!
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