How far along? 39 Weeks
How is Mommy Feeling?
- So tired. I only got out of bed today to eat, pee, and take a bath.
- Achy. Its like my whole body aches, my back, my ribs, my legs, everything.
- Poofy. I feel like I have little sausage feet. and yes, I know that i still have ankles and that it could be SO much worse, it doesn't change the fact that my poor body feel quite swollen.
- Irritable and emotional. Lame little things are upsetting to me and my patience has all but disappeared.
- Sad... that this pregnancy is going to be over so soon. I just don't want it to end just yet.
How is Daddy Feeling?
- hmmm. I'm not sure. I think that he is enjoying these last few days/weeks before our lives change forever.
- He has a big interview for a very important project next Wednesday, and is a little nervous about the timing. We've decided that the baby can't come until after he gets home Wednesday night.
- Other than the interview, he is ready. Ready to have a wife who isn't so full of complaints.
- Scared that instead of having a pregnant wife, he'll have a sleep deprived wife and a crying baby. Not sure which is worse.
- I think that he might also be a little excited about the delivery. Since we'll be at home, depending on how everything is going, he might be able to actually catch the baby as it is being born. Our midwife gave him a little lesson at our last appt. I'd never thought about it, but she made it sound like it was just about the coolest thing in the world, catching your baby as it is being born.
Total weight gain?
- yeah, we're not talking about the weight gain... I'm up 65 lbs to 215 according to the scale at the midwives.
- My right ribcage still hurts, but I'm noticing it less and less, maybe because everything else hurts more and more.
- My SI Join, at the base of my spine where my hips connect in the back, is very painful when I am in the wrong position on my back and try to move.
- Heartburn seemed to disappear for a bit, but is back in force. Tums and Pepto are constant companions.
- I'm tired.
The Belly?
- it definitely keeps growing, but I hear from so many people that it still looks quite small for me being so far along.
- I love it. I am in awe every time I look at myself.
- I love it when people touch it and notice it and love on it.
The Boobies?
- yep, I've got me some real boobs! with real stretch marks.
Big News this Week?
- I decided that I'm done going into the office. Whoever made me think that working until the baby arrived was reasonable is insane. I will do my best to get as much done from home next week as possible, but seriously, I'm just so tired and checked out.
- ML got short listed for an awesome project. He is an architect and work has been scarce these past few years. This project would keep him busy for a few years!!! We really need this. Eight firms were selected for interviews this coming Wednesday. Four firms will get pre-qualified and the work will be divided up amongst them. The interview is out of town - about two hours away in one of our favorite cities. If this baby knows whats best, it will know to wait until Daddy rawks the interview before deciding to make its appearance.
- I've done a few things that I fear have been thoughtless and possibly hurtful to my friends who are still struggling on this journey. I didn't even think about them until much later and am probably spending way too much time thinking about it, but still need to apologize. and also to express this frustration (or maybe it is a sadness) that it can't just be easy. No one said anything, but it occured to me the title of my last post was really thoughtless. I also changed my facebook profile to be a photo of my painted belly from my blessingway. Finding the balance between wanting to celebrate every little bit of this experience while respecting the grief that got us here is a challenge.
love and hugs,

Ugh, I could have written a lot of this post myself. Except I was too lazy to even post about it today...
The work thing - My last day was Friday and I almost wanted to cry with relief. I too originally thought I might work up to my due date. Then I decided a week before the date sounded good. And then the serious sleep issues started and I bumped it up another week. And If I could do it over again, I would have made the week of Thanksgiving my last week. It's rough.
On the upside, one of my friends had her baby on monday and told me that by Friday (with the exception of her "girls") physically she was starting to feel like her old self. And even though she was only getting two to three hours of sleep at a time, she had very few aliments that kept her from sleeping well through each chunk.
I know how you feel, this part is HARD. And even though we're incredibly grateful to be at this point, pain is pain... And at least I can tell you, that I get it... Hang in there dear.
39 weeks - you're almost there! The home stretch! I totally get the sadness though. I think I probably would be too.
Hey don't worry too much about hurting others, it's your blog and you should celebrate! Loved the painted bump! really like the idea of these ceremonies you seem to have over there.
I know, I often felt guilty celebrating being pregnant when I still had friends who weren't. But you shouldn't dampen your own joy or not express it just because other people haven't experienced the same thing yet. I would hope they'd be happy for you after knowing what you've been through.
And I hear you on the aches and pains. I'm actually surprised pregnancy is so uncomfortable and painful, considering we need to do it to continue on with the human species. It should be easier!
Oh my gosh - so close! I am so excited for you and can't wait to hear your birth story :)
SOOOO close!! Hang in there sweetie, you're almost done!! xoxo
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