After they listened to me freak out about needing to have a 'just in case' birth plan in place so that we are prepared in the event of a hospital transfer and/or c-section delivery, they said something about not wanting me to work up until the due date.
Essentially they were telling me that I needed to allow plenty of time to prepare my mind and body, time to just focus on being ready to welcome this new life, to give birth to this new life.
The discussion was about when I'd start my maternity leave - which heck, I'd start now if it were paid - but really it was about taking the time to tell this baby that it is okay to come out.
I realized last night as I was talking to Bestie that I've spent so much time begging this baby to stick around, fearing that it might not stay for the long run, convincing my body to hold it safe and tight inside of me. Even now, I feel my stomach and this baby feels really good inside - I'm not ready to let it go, not yet.

Great post - I have been thinking the same thing - all my energy has been focused on keeping baby in. I plan on working up until delivery (or until my bp gets high enough that they make me stop) but I think it would be so beneficial to be able to stop working 2-3 weeks before delivery to prepare your body and mind. Let me know what you decide! xoxo
I was so not ready for pregnancy to end. I loved it. Even though I had a rough one. I am excited to meet Baby Foxy tho!
I just love reading your blog! I feel so inspired and hopeful everytime I read it!
Oh im so excited for you! My settings have messed up so I cant post as my google profile, but I read all your posts and wish you all the best xxxxxx
Foxy, if you want, I have some great mp3s designed to help you get your brain in right place for labor and birth. Let me know if you are interested and maybe I can figure out a way to send them to you.
I wasn't ready for our daughter to be born either, even at a week over due.
I worked up until 2 days before my due date. Then worked around the house and our store, even until the day she was born.
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