the just in case Birth Plan

I mentioned it yesterday and thought I'd share it here. As I said I am feeling really good about our decision to have this baby in the safety and comfort of our own home. Most of our preparations have been around a homebirth. I freaked out a few weeks back when I realized that we were wholly unprepared in the event that we needed to go to the hospital. I am not at all opposed to transferring if that is where we need to be, but felt like there was some slightly different preparation necessary. I found pieces of birth plans online and patched them together into this one.


Birth Plan for  Foxy and ML
Unplanned Cesarian Section and/or Hospital Birth

Goal: It is our goal that should a cesarean be necessary for this birth, that the entire process be treated as the joyful, celebratory, respectful event that birth was meant to be. We realize that cesareans and other surgeries are a common event at hospitals. However, we ask that the staff respect that for us this individual surgery is neither common nor routine, but rather is a very special and long awaited event that will have effects lasting a lifetime. 
I strongly desire for my husband and friend (of my choice) to be with me AT ALL TIMES. I do not consent to being left alone without my husband and/or friend at ANY time for ANY reason during my hospital stay. 
I desire to be modestly draped at all times.
I request that everyone in the OR be introduced to my partner and I and that we are explained what their role is.
Please place the IV in my left hand/arm.
I do not consent to tying my arms down unless I am unable to control them. I strongly wish to have at least one hand free to be able to touch the baby once the baby is delivered. If needed, release my right arm after the baby is delivered.
I do not consent to a catheter being inserted until after anesthesia is administered.
I prefer epidural anesthesia.
I do not consent to tranquilizers, sedatives or amnesiac drugs being administered. My husband or I will ask for these drugs if we feel they are necessary.

During the Cesarean:
I would prefer a low transverse incision.
Conversation between staff kept to a minimum (no casual chatter unrelated to the birth) with focus being on making my partner and I feel as at ease as possible and kept informed as to what is taking place.
I strongly wish that the father be the person to announce the baby’s gender after birth.
I strongly wish that the father be the person to cut the umbilical cord.
I strongly wish to see the baby being born either by lowering of the drape or providing a mirror.
I do not consent to a single layer suture to close my uterus.  A double layer closer with dissolvable stitches must be used.
I do not consent to staples to close my skin layer and instead want sutures.
I do not consent to my husband being separated from me even in the case of general anesthesia. It is important that the birth of our child be witnessed by a family member even if I am not in need of support at that time.
I do not consent to any students, interns, or unnecessary staff watching or participating.
I strongly desire for the baby to remain on my chest or in my arms throughout suturing, recovery, etc.
We intend to keep my placenta.  Please keep it clean and refrigerated.
Newborn Care:
I strongly desire for the baby to be placed STILL WET on my bare chest immediately following the birth. Please cover us both with with warm blankets as necessary and perform any essential newborn assessments while the baby is on my chest.  
If for any reason the baby cannot be placed on my chest, I strongly desire for the baby to be placed on the bare chest of its father. 
Bulb suctioning only unless baby shows signs of problems.  Any deep suctioning to be performed with a mobile unit while I hold baby or at my immediate side.
I do not consent to weighing, foot printing, PKU testing, Vitamin K injection, or other routine non-medically necessary tasks for the first five hours after birth. 
I do not consent to hospital staff bathing or cleaning the baby at all.
I do not consent to the use of any artificial nipples for the baby.
I do not consent to the administration of eye ointment or hepatitis b vaccination.
I do not consent to the baby being removed from my presence at any time. If the baby must go to the NICU or nursery for necessary medical treatment, the father must accompany the baby at all times.
Recovery and Postpartum Care:
My preference post-op is to utilize a PCA system for pain management.  If oral medication is used, orders to be written for me to be woken up for timely doses (not waiting for my request).
I would like to be able to eat real food following the delivery so that I have the strength to nurse & care for my new baby.
I would like access to the baby’s & my medical chart.

Additional things to remember:
If necessary, we prefer transfer to (hospitals with NICU). 
Please take pictures! Lots of them.
Please keep in mind our journey to get here and be sensitive about your comments.
It is important to me that this experience is as inclusive of both parents as possible.
Please listen to me and verify that you’ve understood me. I need to know that I’ve been heard.


Cherbear said...

this is an amazing and so thought out "JIC" birth plan. I think it is wonderfully written. I especially like the last line. VERY important.

Lauren said...

Very well thought out!

I made a birth plan and brought it to the hospital when I pre-registered. By the time I went to my next OB appointment a few days later, my OB already knew about my "6 page birth plan" from the nurses in L&D (I don't even know if it was even 6 pages, its just what he said), and was making fun of me.

Then when I was in labour I went from 5cm dilated to full-on crowning in 25 minutes, and my OB barely made it in time to catch Noah. He walked in (with his dress pants rolled up around his calves because he didn't have time to change into scrubs) and said "So Lauren, was this on page 4 of your birth plan??"

So basically, I was mocked for having a birth plan. Which leaves a bad taste in my mouth, since I took it seriously. But luckily, everything turned out fine and most of the nurses were very respectful of me and my wishes.

sadie607 said...

Hopefully you won't need the plan b at all, and I so hope that you get the birth experience you desire and have waited for (I didn't and it still bothers me). It's good that you and your husband have discussed all of these things.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, you have covered so much here! Think I have to bookmark this and have a peek again should we come this far. I hope you get to stay in the comfort of your home though. I'm very interested in Homebirth as well and would love to read about your experience.

Kakunaa said...

This might be the most amazing birth plan I have ever seen and I am stealing it for next time. (Wishful thinking). You continually amaze me. HUGS.


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