Maya is our 4 year old German Shepherd, so not really a puppy, although often mistaken for a puppy.
Every morning after ML gets up and out of bed she slowly crawls from the foot of our bed up into his spot on the bed, her head on his pillow, snuggled right up as close as she can get to me. We sleep together like that for another hour or so until she finds some exposed skin, an arm, or my face, or a hand, to start licking. It is annoying, but so sweet and tender that I can't help but love it. Its our time. ML get jealous that in the rare event that I am out of bed before him that she doesn't stick around to cuddle with him, but instead follows me out of the room.
We also have a bedtime routine that, until recently, was like clockwork. We all hang out in the living room, ML and I on the couch and Maya on her dog bed. When we are ready to make the move to bed, she jumps up and heads down the hallway, stopping midway to make sure that we are right behind her. We get to the bedroom where she plops down onto her dog bed (yes, we have dog beds all over our house!). She watches patiently as ML and I go thru our bedtime routine and finally climb into bed. She waits until we are settled and then gets up, walks to the side of the bed to ask permission to climb up, and then makes herself cozy at out feet. She stays on the bed for an hour or so, then acts irritated by our feet and jumps down to sleep on her bed where she stays until morning when she joins us at our feet again.
Its been like this for ages. Until a few nights ago.
All of a sudden Maya is heading directly for the bed. and not for the foot of the bed. By the time i am done with my bedtime routine and ready to climb into bed, Maya is staked out with her head on my pillow. It takes both ML and I to roll her 70 lb body down to the foot of the bed so that I can climb in. As soon as I am in the bed she creeps her way back up, right in between ML and I. Its like she can't get close enough to us.
Then last night, when I refused to let her in between us, because, you know, I enjoy sleeping next to my sexy husband, she crawled all the way up my other side so that her head was at my pillow. She then proceeded to try and push the covers out of the way so that she could be IN the bed with me. It was bizarre, but so sweet. I could be making this up, but I swear that she was trying to get as close to my stomach as she possibly could. Even stranger was that she stayed cuddled up right next to me the entire night.
Something is going on with my puppy. Whatever it is I am loving all of this special puppy love :)
Just for fun, I have this cute video of Maya when she really was a puppy eating a pumpkin that I'd grown in our backyard.

That's funny and cute. But oh dear, that puppy is going to have a rude awakening when you bring home baby and he suddenly shoots way far down your list of priorities!!
And I know, you might think that could never happen! But my cats were like my babies, and then I didn't even want them around anymore after Noah was born. They wanted too much of my time and attention and I had nothing left to give!
And my friend was so obsessed with her dogs that she cried when she went to the hospital to give birth because her dogs couldn't come, and she brought pictures of them and set them up in her hospital room so they'd be 'near her'. And then her baby was born and they, too, shot down her list of priorities. She couldn't believe how differently she felt once she had a baby.
This should be interesting;)
That is so sweet! Definitely enjoy your puppy time while you can. I wonder how she will react once the baby arrives. When my SIL had her baby, the dogs were scared to death of him lol!
Our cat has become a big rubby dubby lovey kitty since we returned with the baby! We think she's a little jealous too.
Oh my, Maya and Jack have such similar markings.
Jack Shepherd loves hanging out in the bed with us (and we also have a dog bed in every room). Sometimes we'll wake up in the middle of the night to find the dog in the middle pushing the hubs off the bed. But usually I wake up to 80 lbs of dog on top of me and him staring at my face until he gets his breakfast.
Maya is soooo cute!! DH loves German Shepherds but we have a black lab/collie mix....It's so cute how Maya is trying to get as close to you as possible....she will be sooooo protective of that little one for sure!
Your puppy is adorable...and I am not a dog person:) I love that she follows you and doesn't stay to hang out with your hubby LOL.
My kitties have been more attentive and snuggly lately, too :)
I love puppies!!! I want a German shepard! Yours is such a cutie-pie. :)
Just last night I told my husband we needed to get a dog, and he told me I'd have to get a new husband first. :( My plan is to teach the babies to beg for a doggie. Can't say no to babies!
Aww so sweet. I had german Shepards growing up they're great dogs.
Very sweet! One of mine will barely let me out of her sight lately. I can't imagine my life without my dogs and I hope that they do not become so much less important that I don't want them around once baby arrives. I much prefer to think that while they will very likely get less attention - they will still know that they are loved! They have been such a huge comfort to me over the years!
oh I love your dog!! so sweet!!
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