After a complicated chain of events, it looks like my 17 year old cousin is going to be moving in with ML and I.
... just as we were about to reclaim our home as our own.
... just as we are about to take on a huge new responsibility as parents to our own child.
... just as we are preparing our finances to take a big hit while I am out on unpaid maternity leave.
A part of me thinks that this could be a huge disaster. but another part of me knows that we can give her a chance to graduate high school and experience success.
A part of me wonders if its just too late for her. but another part of me feels like she deserves a chance.
A part of me is scared about what impact this could have on my relationship with ML. but another part of me feels like this experience can only make us stronger as a couple.
We'd talked about her situation and the possibility of her living here for some time, but I never really thought that her parents would take us up on the offer. Then her mom called today, ready to take us up on the offer.
ML and I are outlining responsibilities, expectations, and house rules.
and glancing at each other with looks of terror...

Oh this is a huge step. Good for you for wanting to help her out! You have a huge heart, and living with you and your husband will probably be a very positive experience. You're certainly stronger than me - I took in my (at the time) 17 year old sister for a few months a few years back. I wouldn't trade the good parts of it (though there were hard times too).
Best of luck! I know you're taking on a lot right now, but you'll be in a familiar place again in no time. :)
Good luck!!!
Goodness! Good luck! This is a rough time to undertake something of that sort, as I know all too well, but I am all about 2nd chances, that's for sure! HUGS!
Oh wow. That is a lot to be taking on. Hopefully it all works out! Good luck!!!
Wow! That is so wonderful that you & your husband are so willing to help. Best wishes! Hopefully you guys can make a real impact on her to turn her life around.
Wow, good for you guys! I hope everything works out!
Good luck! I hope that it all works out well.
That is scary!!!
I hope that everything works out. If she does move in, think of it as an extra pair of hands for diaper changes!!
Happy ICLW
I think its amazing the opportunity you are giving her. This should make you proud to know what you are doing.
Oh wow. Best of luck to you. That's a huge undertaking but how wonderful for you to give her a chance and hopefully allow her some structure and guidance so she can graduate. Many prayers with all of these many big changes in your life.
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