Mel recently posted that she has been selected as a finalist for the 2011 Bloganthropy Award, recognizing women bloggers who use social media to support a good cause. There is no voting, the winner will be decided by a panel of Bloganthropy folks announced this coming week.
I just love idea to honor bloggers who are using social media to make our world a better place!
It also feels like a fitting time to share a tiny bit about the significance of Melissa Ford's blog Stirrup Queens has had in my life. After suffering silently through the most painful devastating two years of my life I discovered the online ALI (Adoption, Loss, Infertility) community. Mel's insanely organized blogroll directed me to a list of blogs that were written by others who had our same rare diagnosis. Reading the stories of others who were going through the same challenges that we were facing was beyond incredible. I suddenly felt like i wasn't alone on this journey anymore. I discovered that there were words to communicate the mess of crazy thoughts that had taken over my head. I found my own voice. Most surprisingly I've made some incredible friends.
Mel's projects - International Comment Leaving Week (ICLW), Lost and Found (LFCA), the Weekly Round-Up, etc - invite the participation of everyone in the ALI community. She has created a safe space for connection and growth, for love and support, for grief and celebration.
I am so amazed that one women, a woman who doesn't even know me, could give me so much. I will be forever grateful to The Stirrup Queen for helping me find my own strength to navigate our personal and private journey of infertility.

Her list really helped me connect with others as well when I first started blogging. Hope she wins!
Mel is amazing. Have you read her book? I have no idea how she does so much in a day! Thanks to her, I got to meet you and others :)
She has done some awesome things--she's how I got into this place too.
The ICLW led me to find such a wonderful community of bloggers going through similar things as me. She is wonderful for starting such great things!!
Happy ICLW! Congrats on your pregnancy. I am a month behind you I think.
Oh, she is wonderful.
And if you go by her blog, you will find that her fifth blogoversary is up!
She is amazing.
iclw #36
Mel's list connected me with many as I traveled through the emotional journey of IVF. I've been so thankful for her words and the connections that have been fostered because of her.
Look forward to following your journey!
ICLW #49
I haven't read her book yet, but she has put me in touch with some amazing yours!
{visiting from ICLW #53}
I felt the exact same way when we were diagnosed with infertility. I had never met or known of anyone who had gone through what we had been through and her blogs made it so easy to connect with others- especially with similar diagnoses! I hope she wins- she has been such an inspiration for everyone!
Congrats on your pregnancy!
I <3 Mel. I was floundering around on stupid IF message boards for support before I found her blog. How she has touched so many people is beyond me.
I hope you are doing okay! Seems like so long since we have talked!!!
Did you know taht you are ICLW #13? TOO COOL!!!
Lucky number 13! (to me it is lucky b/c mine and Kingman's b'day are on 13s.
Mel is the greatest!! What a wonderful post for her :)
Her list was a godsend for me too! I am so grateful for her helping us all connect!
I am also so grateful for the ALI community and ICLW. It really helped me come out of my shell and finally feel like this is something that I am not going through alone. I especially appreciate that she has her blogroll organized so well that I can jump in there and find people who are dealing with the same battles I am, and that gives me hope to keep fighting.
Yay! I"m all for celebrating Mel and her awesomeness. Her site and all her lists have brought me so much. So, so much. She really is amazing. Thank you for writing this and expressing the gratitude that so many of us feel.
Esperanza (here from Prompt-ly)
Stopping from ICLW
I couldn't agree more! Finding all of you was such a relief! Still is.
Hi from ICLW 69 :)
I heart Mel. She is incredible, and what she gave to us infertility is beyond anything one person would be expected to do.
Great post in her honor!
Hugs from ICLW -
Thank you so much for your post. I, too, really needed to find a site like Mel's and it meant (and means) the world to me, but I had never stopped to take the time to think about why someone would do this or how much it means to so many of us. Thank you for making me really appreciate her and this community.
Here here! Thank goodness for that blogroll - I also am so thankful to have found other women going through what we are. It's comforting.
(Here from ICLW)
Mel's an amazing individual, for sure.
ICLW has opened doors for me to an understanding community, even though my experience is markedly different to that of most of you.
ICLW second-timer hugs to you,
Best wishes,
I'm right there with you. I'm so thankful for this community and for the fact that I finally jumped in to be a part of it and not just watching from the sidelines, and I feel like I have Mel to thank for that. She's an inspiration.
This is such a wonderful, well-deserved post. I couldn't agree more. Mel is truly an inspiration and the support she has been able to pull together for all of us never ceases to amaze me.
Thanks for posting this!
Visiting from ICLW
I also don't know where I would be without this community. The support is wonderful! Thanks Mel!
ICLW #128
I only wish I had found Mel's blogroll when I was going through my journey. I am so excited for you and your pregnancy and I would love to feature your success story on my blog. Here's a link to the format I use:
Happy ICLW!
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