We went out of town for a long weekend with good friends. It was wonderful, but left us without reliable internet or phone service for a few days. It was good to be away, but its good to be back :)
How far along? 11 Weeks
How is Mommy Feeling?
- pretty good.
- really looking forward to our first OB appointment on Wednesday. beyond excited that the OB will (hopefully) lift the restriction on sex, and light exercise.
- a bit irritable, like my patience is running thin, with people at work, with ML, etc. I am unreasonably irritated with the Family Building Act and the fact that we have so much medication leftover from our IVF cycle.
- that so many things i thought mattered, like where i deliver, and the type of birth i have, and whether i can stay home really don't matter. so long as we can bring this baby home with us, everything else is just a detail.
- wishing that i could take a rest every afternoon, and trying my best to bring work projects home so i can set up on the couch between 2-5pm.
How is Daddy Feeling?
- less terrified that something bad might happen, but just as terrified that this might really be happening.
- excited that the baby is the size of a fig this week, because he really likes figs. However keep joking that his wife won't think the fruit comparison is as much fun when the baby is the size of a cantaloupe!
Total weight gain?
- not sure. haven't weighed in.
- resigned that I'm eating the best I can to control the nausea, and will start exercising again soon.
- My boobies still qualify as my number one symptom. The new bras help a lot.
- Food management is still an issue. Keeping my stomach happy requires maintaing a fairly constant level of food intake. If I wait too long to eat, the nausea and aversion take over. Jamba Juice blueberry smoothies have been a daily staple. Plain Cheerios, potatoes, vanilla yogurt, and apples with peanut butter are consistently safe bets.
- I've been unreasonably irritable this week. I got cranky at ML twice for things that really were meaningless. I've also been extra stressed out about work and some projects that are just not going the way I need them to.
- I've had a tiny bit of cramping here and there. Usually I notice it in the morning before I get out of bed, and other times when i'm driving. Sometimes it turns out to be gas, but other times I pretty sure that it is just everything stretching and growing.
The Belly?
- Not much to report, other than that I love my maternity pants from Old Navy and the Gap.
The Boobies?
- yes, I am adding a special category to report on The Boobies as they have become a major player in this adventure.
- I broke down last weekend and found a special store that rents breastpumps and sells nursing bras and cloth diapers. It was open by appointment only, and so I made my appointment hoping that they could fit me with a bra that helped alleviate my pain. I've been a 34 B from the time that I bought my first bra. Until now when I measured a 38 C/D... She helped me find a perfect sleeping bra, and two other well padded bras for the daytime. She also warned me that my breasts are going to continue growing, and that I'll need to re-up again in a few months. All three are technically nursing bras, so I'll be able to use them again on the other side.
- I'm not typically a fan of bra's, and am known to not wear them unless there is a reason one is needed, but since I got the new bras, the only time I am not wearing one is when I'm in the shower.
- I've been on high alert to prevent any additional vasospasm attacks. Now that I think I know what is causing them, mainly cold, I am noticing the warning signs that one might be coming on and taking immediate action to get warm again. Wearing a scarf and keeping my neck warm seems to help.
- I woke up one night this week to find ML missing from our bed. He had relocated to the couch so that his tossing and turning wouldn't bother me. I don't like his wiggles, but I dislike not having him next to me even more.
What I miss?
- drinking, yep, i miss it. I miss having a sunday morning mimosa, I miss having a vodka soda after a hard day at work, I miss having a glass of wine with dinner. I'm thinking that after the first trimester, I may decide to relax on the prohibition and allow the occasional adult beverage.
- sex. like you wouldn't believe. i crave my husband.
- sex, yes I have to say it again. I miss it that much.
Big News this Week?
- We went to the doula fair, an event put on my our local Birth Network, last weekend. We met a lady who ML and I both felt comfortable with. She seemed very open minded whereas some of the other ladies seemed to have very set philosophies about birth. We met with her later in the week to talk in more detail about how she would work with us.
- My mom sold her house, the house that she and my dad bought 15 years ago, the house that she thought she'd live in for the rest of her life. She is moving this weekend into a rental. This is like the 20th time that my mom has moved since she and my dad got married, (the first since their divorce 5 years ago), and I'm sure the hardest since it represents the loss of so many dreams.
- We decided to turn two of our bedrooms into a studio with a separate entrance. ML bought a little kitchenette to install in one of the closets, and found a guy who can start working on it for us. We've rented out three of our extra bedrooms for the past 7 years, and finally the time has come that we want our privacy. We don't need the space, but would still like the extra income, and this seems like a nice compromise.

Seriously, I feel like I want to print these update posts to help prepare for my own someday pregnancy! I love them! Yay for 11 weeks and feeling good!
I was a 34A my entire life... got a 36C bra when I was somewhere around 15 weeks, and now that I'm nursing I had to get a 36D. I think the fruit comparisons might be more useful for our boobs than the baby! :)
So glad to hear that everything is going well! Fingers crossed your OB gives you the green light to enjoy some intimate time with your husband!!!
PS. I received the package you mailed - THANK YOU!!!
11 weeks????? HOLY GOOD GOD, I'm MIA and sooooo sorry.
did you get your bracelet!!!!!???
I am so happy that you are doing so well! Love and BIG HUGS to you!!!!! xoxoo
11 weeks = awesome! Loving these updates!
Thrilled to have found your blog through ICLW! Congrats on your pregnancy.
Such a fabulous idea to keep track of the cost, though after two IVFs and FETs with DOR, I don't think I want to know the number (also OOP).
Wishing you the best and looking forward to following your journey.
I love love love these updates. 11 weeks - Holy cow! I love that we are only a short 4 weeks apart :)
I think the idea of making the separate entrance for your rentals is soooo wise. I imagine once the baby comes you will want privacy even more.
My cramping continues too...I am trying to tell myself it is just the baby snuggling in. I hope we both have drama free pregnancies!
Love always
Hey there! I was given your link by one of your followers. I had stated in my blog that we are going to be doing donor sperm very soon! eeeek!! Im so excited and nervous! So she kindly gave me your link and said you also did donor sperm and now you are pregnant!! YAY!! So I hope you don't mind me being a new follower of your and any pointers, tips, comments that you have, I would greaty appreciate it. I look forward to following you in your journey as well. Many blessings to you and your family. :)
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