Not the words ML wanted to hear from me as we were getting ready for bed last night. I had just sat down on the toilet and discovered a pantyliner full of red blood. He came running in, looking even more concerned than I felt. I got cleaned up and climbed into bed so he could deliver my PIO shot.
He asked if we should call the Dr in the morning, but I knew from our last round of spotting 2 weeks ago that there was nothing that could be done. It was what is was, and all we could do was hope that it stopped. He assured me that he loved me. No matter what.
I wasn't worried, so much as I just wished it would stop.
We'd done a lot of walking around that afternoon. Maybe I just overdid it a little.
We'd also defied doctors orders and engaged in "a tiny little bit" of intimacy the night before. We were very careful, I didn't O, and it lasted just a minute. It was my choice. I just needed to be close to him.
This morning, I woke to find a lesser quantity of darker older blood. It is what it is, right? All I can do is make myself cozy on the couch today, with my feet up, and my laptop to keep me company.
Happy Easter.

Shit. I'm sorry. Thinking lots of good thoughts. PLEASE take it easy today, ok? xo
Please stay off your feet today! God, I hope everything is okay! Hugs.
I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this worry! Hope you can take it easy today and that it stops! Thinking of you and praying it was caused by just over-doing it!
Oh I'm so sorry Foxy!! Take it easy and enjoy a low key Easter. I sure hope it stops today!
i'm so glad that it's tapering off, but i hope it stops now! take care of yourself!
Oh no, I hope that it keeps tapering and stops! I'm keeping you in my thoughts. Take care hun! We're all sending prayers and positive vibes your way. Lots of hugs.
I hope everything is okay!!
Hope the bleeding stays away.... keep your feet up and pamper yourself and your little one. Love to you always xoxo
That has to be so scary, sorry it's an added worry. I hope that resting today and propping your feet up is just what you need to make the bleeding stay away and it stays away for the rest of the pregnancy! I look every time I go to the bathroom, especially after feeling crampy. It sucks that infertility leaves our minds and hearts so on guard. Hoping we can both get good reports in the weeks to come that start putting our minds to ease!
I know how terrifying that is! What the doc told me when it happened to me several years ago is that the cervix is so filled with blood and has tiny vessels that can burst with the slightest strain. (Mine was from straining with a bowel movement) I know a possible explanation behind it doesn't make it any less scary though! Hang in there!
Hey hun, just wanted to tell you to take it easy and don't stress out too much right now! I hope all is ok!
Lots of prayers for you, girlie. I hope it's subsided by now and stays far, far away!
Definitely put your feet up and relax as much as possible. Sending you lots of virtual hugs!
Thanks for the comment on my blog! I will be sending positive thoughts your way! Hope all is well. Sounds like a great reason to sit back and let everyone take care of you!
So sorry hun. I fear seeing blood every time I go to the bathroom (which is about 4 times an hour these days), and I panic even if it is jut a bit, so I can't imagine how scary this must be for you. My only comforting words: My friend who is currently 32 weeks, bled and bled during her first trimester all from a little blood clot that formed during implantation. It hasn't harmed the baby at all and the doctors say sometimes it just happens. Maybe this is something similar. I also read that at this time the embryo is still connecting to the mother's blood supply through the placenta so their can be more bleeding.
Keep resting and taking it easy. Love and hugs to you.
I'm sorry.....
Praying that everything is ok. Definitely take it easy.
Hoping the bleeding will go away soon....I know how scary it can be. Yes, put your feet up and minimize walking/straining/lifting heavy things for a few days. Good luck.
I am sure there are lots of reasons for the bleeding - and you WILL BE OKAY. I'm praying for everything to turn out fine and that dang spotting to stop! All I know is the darker older stuff is less concerning (although it is still scary!)
Take care of yourself - seriously.
Hugs and thinking of you.
Oh no. There are LOTS of reasons for bleeding....perhaps the intimacy earlier irritated your cervix. I'm just so sorry that you are going through this. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
First, congrats on the pregnancy! Bleeding during pregnancy just sucks and I hope it's nothing. If this helps, every time my hubby and I "did it" during first trimester, I bled afterwards. He is now banned from that region until baby comes out. Wishing you all the best!
Thinking of you. Hope you're doing better today.
I'm glad it's lessening. I hope it's gone away completely by now!
That is not the kind of red worries you need right now. You are right, though, it is what it is. And, it is a very good sign that it stopped. I hope that your next u/s is soon, so that you can see how your little asteroid is doing. From what you describe, it sounds very likely that things are just fine. But red is never a colour one wants to see. Sending you my warmest hug, dearest Foxy.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and congrats on the pregnancy! Take it easy, and hopefully that bleeding will QUICKLY resolve without any problems. GL!
Sorry to hear about the bleeding but glad to hear it got older looking.
Fingers crossed for no more spotting!!
Ack! Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! I hope you are doing okay today! I am sooooo behind on reading blogs- it is hard to lay flat and type on a computer. :/
Thank you for the love my blog- I was having a tough day today and your sweet comments helped!!!!
Hope you are resting and let me know how you are doing!!!!!!!
TMI, I know, but I too engaged in some naughty naughty with my DH at 7 weeks and all of a sudden I started gushing bright red blood. I ran to my primary care doc and then my fertility clinic when I could get in and there was our little one up on the screen, dancing around like a fool. It turns out that I had a little pocket of blood completely away from the placenta (like a little clot) and the doc said that that happens more often with IVF pregnancies because of all the hormones--as in, we tend to bleed more easily. So, until anything is confirmed, it could easily be this. Thinking of you!
Oh was just a scare. All you listed is definitely a plausible cause for the bleeding. Keeping everything crossed it's all ok.
ICLW #131
I'm so sorry you are going through this..I can imagine how concerning it is. I hope it has stopped by now, and it was just old blood. Thinking of you..
Been thinking of you, sweetie
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