Ingrid E. Newkirk, President
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Dear Ms. Newkirk,
I too am a member of the infertility community and respectfully request that you immediately discontinue your "Win a Vasectomy" contest that is being held in honor of national infertility awareness week. Furthermore I request that your organization issue an apology to the infertility community for this insulting and hurtful ad campaign.
I am a lifelong advocate for spay and neuter programs. In fact I work in a capacity to direct significant funding to out local animal shelter for the purpose of spay and neuter programs, and ensuring the humane treatment of animals.
Being a mom is the only dream I've ever had. My husband and I were married for five years before we started trying to start our family. The day we received our azoospermia diagnosis was the worst day of my life. We spent the next two years undergoing extensive invasive testing to determine and treat the cause of our infertility. This is the most painful thing I have ever experienced, complete with embarrassment, stigma, and grief.
Infertility is a silent disease. It is a disease that affects 1 in 8 couples, including just as many men as women. I am speaking out on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of inertial couples who have not yet found their voice.
Please do the right thing and correct this wrong immediately.

That contest they are running is rediculous. It in no way honors or raises awareness for infertility.
I haven't heard of their contest, but I think your letter is very well written!
Wow that campaign made my blood boil.
thank you for posting this. SICK SICK SICK!!! I signed the petition, and also posted a really long comment on PETA's campaign article at
I really need to get a letter written. I am so angered by this.
Right on, Foxy. I didn't realize PETA was launching this campaign. Thanks for letting us know.
Can't say I'm surprised. I love animals but I've never been able to be on board with anything PETA related... This ad is disgusting.
Good response ... Sadly I have little hope of our cries of outrage doing much to affect the narrow-minded PETA folks.
I haven't written about this yet, because I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around what I want to say. What I can say for sure, is that it's heartless and cruel.
I don't understand this campaign. To win a Vasectomy at the infertility awareness week!? Really, that's just ridiculous!
I completely don't get the campaign. Who wants to win a vasectomy? What a totally messed up idea for a prize and then to hold it during NIAW. How completely insensitive! PETA, what were you thinking?
I don't understand PETA sometimes... well done for writing to them :)) xoxo
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