And then, all of a sudden, there was audio. With one little heartbeat. It was pretty awesome, and a lot to try and take in all at once.
ML was intent on the screen throughout, twisted halfway out of his seat so that he could see it clearly.
We met with the Dr afterwards and he gave us three little pictures. My favorite is the one that shows a graph of the heart motion along the bottom. Pretty freaking cool when I stop and think about it!
The Dr was pleased with how everything was progressing. He told me to go ahead and schedule our first OB appointment, which I already did last week :) We'll have another ultrasound with the RE in two weeks and then he'll release us to the OB. I asked about exercise, since I am desperate to do something/anything, and he gave the green light for leisurely walks and non strenuous stretching. I was starting to feel a little stir-crazy.
So far so good!

Yay!!! That's so cool how you were able to actually hear the heartbeat. What a beautiful sound that must have been :)
SO wonderful!!! i'm so excited for you! i can't wait to have that same experience.
Yaaay! Congratulations! That is wonderful news!
And I know twins are a blessing, and I was wishing for twins during infertility treatments, but after having just one baby, I always hope for everyone that they only have one baby, even if they want twins (but I don't tell them that, in case it IS two). A singleton pregnancy is so much safer and "easier" (my pregnancy wasn't easy, but it would have been so much worse if there were two in there). And after they're born, one is just so much more manageable than two!! :)
Congrats, Mama!!
Woohoo!! I've been checking in since yesterday, hoping to see an update. I'm amazed you could hear anything this early. I've heard that you won't hear the heartbeat till much later. You're giving me a lot of hope for my own ultrasound next week.
how wonderful!! I am so very happy for you Foxy!
Glad it all went well!!
Yayhoo!!!!!!!! Great news!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats, congrats, congrats!!!!!!
Woohoo! Congratulations on seeing and hearing the little heartbeat! Such an amazing feeling isn't it and all of a sudden you really feel like you might just have a baby (took me WEEKS to come to terms with the fact I was really, truly pregnant). Congrats again to you both! xox
Congrats! That's so wonderful. Glad you got to see your little ONE!
Oh that is so wonderful! Your updates always give me hope because when I first joined this awesome community you had just had your transfer. Now that is where I am now--transfer tomorrow! Time flies. I am so happy for you.
Yay! What an amazing feeling :) Glad all is well!
Awesome!!! I hope to follow in your lead on Friday and get a similar report... so happy for you! Great news!
LOVE YOU GIRL! Your text was one of the best ever--one perfect heartbeat. What could be better???
That is wonderful news! yay!
So happy for you!!!! Really great news and well deserved :)
yay! so thrilled for you Foxy!
My heart is just filled to the brim with joy for you, Foxy. I'm so glad your little asteroid is doing well and has a beating heart. Wonderful, amazing, thrilling. I'm so excited for you. And so excited we get to walk side by side on this journey. Sending you all my love, dear woman.
So happy to hear this!!
Oh yay! What a relief, right? I am so glad you've got a healthy little bean and this IS FINALLY HAPPENING :) Hugs!
So happy to hear the good news! This is exactly what I was hoping would happen for you!
Congratulations Foxy! Hearing that heartbeart is the most amazing thing. So very happy for you.
Congrats on seeing the heartbeat! Isn't it amazing? I love the new header! When I was 9 weeks pregnant we went on a cruise and my husband got me this statue from Mexico that looks very similar!
So exciting! Congrats!
Great news... fantastic :)) Wonderful that you got little photos too :) Love to you and your little bub xoxo
Absolutely perfect! So glad everything is exactly as it should be and that you got to hear that perfect little heartbeat!
Auntie Kir can't stop smiling!!!!!!!!
Love your blog and thank you so much for all your kind words since I started blogging... it's been lovely to start sharing this journey with you. I've awarded you a Stylish Blogger and/or Versatile blogger Award :)) Follow the link below and join in the fun this Easter :) Love always xoxo
Yay for non tubal and a heartbeat!! That is such a relief and so exciting. Don't worry about not seeing the heartbeat, it will get easier and you will get better at seeing it. Congrats!
yay! you can break up with your IF doctor! That is great news!
Haven't popped in for awhile and so happy to see your exciting news!! Congratulations!!!!!
I love your blog! Your story on the sidebar about made me cry... I look forward to following your journey to motherhood! :)
Happy ICLW!
This is amazing !! So happy that you are getting to experience so much joy !
Came by from ICLW and just wanted to congratulate you on your pregnancy and seeing the little heartbeat! Great news! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months! )
You've been nominated for the Versatile blogger award. You can pick up your badge on my blog
Congratulations on your pregnancy. How exiting!
Happy ICLW!
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. Sounds like your appointment went well and I wish nothing but a healthy pregnancy for you! Happy ICLW!
ICLW #150
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