I went to the spa with my mom yesterday. As soon as we arrived I noticed that I was spotting. It was the darker, older looking discharge, but it worried me. I took a glorious shower in the triple shower-head using all of the luxurious body gels. I walked up to the salon and got my hair styled while my mom got a massage. I sat with my girlfriend while she got a pedicure. Then I stopped by the restroom only to reactivate my concern. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough to make me wish it would stop. I'd start having cramps when I was up and moving around, but they would stop when I stopped. I sat at the edge of the spa with my feet in the bubbly water, chatting with my mom. We then moved to the fireplace room where we cuddled up with blankets and read magazines while eating almonds. Another trip to the restroom and I was nervous enough that I actually just wanted to go home. I took a very quick sit in the sauna, just long enough to slather on lots of rich lotion, jumping out just before the steam machine refilled the space with hot steam. I usually stay at the spa til they kick us out, but was happy to head home a little early.
I got home, told ML about the spotting, felt oddly calm thinking that it was what it was. Then I checked with Dr Google. Dr G has been pretty good to me in the past, but this time, not so much.
The internet told me that spotting/bleeding was not uncommon, but was not normal, and that 50% of the time, bleeding leads to miscarriage. This really wasn't what I wanted to read. But as I said, it was what it was, and what could I do about it?
So I texted Bestie, freaking the poor girl out. She had the most logical reply: "Can you call your Dr" Duhh. Thats what we pay him the big bucks for, right?
So I called, had to tell the answering service that, yes, for me, this was an emergency. They had the Dr on the phone in about a minute. He assured me that there was nothing to worry about. 99% of his fertility patients have some spotting. The progesterone suppositories irritate the cervix which causes some spotting. It was okay, I didn't need to worry. I was okay unless there was lots of red blood.
See? Plus, you know, they stuck a catheter up there, AND the embies are still burrowing in which can cause spotting. All will be fine!
Scary stuff! Enough to totally freak you out. I had some spotting too, started a little red and went almost instantly dark, lasted for about 15 hours and scared the living daylights out of me. All was fine. I think it is perfectly normal as I have heard of it so many times, but that doesn't mean it's not scary. Glad the doc put your mind at ease.
I would be totally freaked out too! I'm glad your doctor reassured you.
Bless your heart! Mommyinwaiting said it best, no matter how many times we hear it's normal, it's still very scary!
Thinking of you! That must have been terrifying and I'm glad your doctor was able to talk with you about it.
I had spotting thrice in the first seven weeks - about a week apart. It was red with clots at 5 wks. So far though, everything looks ok. I wont say don't worry, but I will say - it happens a lot. Four of my friends had bleeding/spotting in the first tri. I would always run to the couch and sit with my legs up. My recco - take it easy, don't lift heavy weights ( i think one of my episodes may have been triggered when I lifted a friend's child. Oh and stay away from dr. google for the first tri - it helps a LOT. Good luck, hope all will be well.
I am so glad you called your dr. No harm done there, it's best to ask! Like you said, he makes the big bucks! So glad he said it's fine. I am praying that it goes away.
Glad the doc had some good words for you.
Sending lots of good wishes your way.
Whew, glad everything is ok. Hope you dont get anymore scares.
Ohh, I'm sorry you've been spotting - its so scary "normal" or not! I've had quite a bit in the 6th and 7th weeks - very dark old stuff, but enough to scare me badly. On my 2nd ultrasound they found a something-a-rather hemotoma off to the side - away from the uterus. Not sure what caused it but they were pretty sure that's where the blood came from. Maybe your doc can do an ultrasound to check things out (and make you feel better!)?
I am glad that the Dr. was reassuring, and that spotting was all it was, Foxy. You must have been worried. It's a bit ridiculous how you and I do everything in synch. Here is hoping that we also give birth to healthy babies at the same time in December.
From these comments, it looks like several have experienced the same thing and everything is fine. But the mind games are messing with me too and I share the worry feelings. Not worrying is sure easier said than done!
I'm so sorry that you had such a scary day, but I'm glad that your doctor said that it was nothing to worry about. Take care of yourself, relax, and put your feet up. I know that my sister had spotting that sent her to the ER when she was pregnant with my nephew. (and that sentence tells you all you need to know)
Man oh man you deserve a pregnancy free or spotting! I'm glad the RE made you feel better - stay away from google for now (easier said than done :).
HUGS and HUGS!!!
Feel better girl
I'm so sorry hun, I can only imagine what this must have put you through.
I had an odd experience the other day where my cat came to sit on me while I was trying to sleep. She stepped on something incredibly sensitive in my ute area, and I jumped out of bed with pain and cramping. It was terrifying, but everything seemed to return to normal after a few minutes.
I hope you are feeling more calm now, and that the bleeding has quieted down.
*HUGS* and lots of love to you.
Oh, and I was just re-reading your response on the Stories Project, and realized I hadn't responded. I would be happy to help you write yours, once you are ready and thank you for participating in it. I'm really hoping I can get enough stories to make it work.
All the best,
oh sweetie.
I"m glad it was just spotting you are just fine. It's very common to have some spotting, but I know how scary it can be.
Oh you poor thing... I've definitely heard about progesterone suppositories irritating the cervix and leading to more spotting in IVF pregnancies. Must have been so difficult to enjoy the spa while thinking about what was going on inside. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and hope the spotting has eased off xoxo
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