Today is ML's birthday. He is SO good with my birthdays, but I always have a hard time trying to figure out what I can get for him. The man has a pretty freaking good life, and there really isn't much that he needs. The things that he really wants are uber-big ticket items, purchases that I could not make without consulting him (even if we could afford them, ha!)
I was actually feeling last night as we went to bed, that I've been on the receiving end of this relationship for some time now, am beyond lucky to have this incredible man as my partner, and need to step up my game a bit. I love and appreciate him so much, and really want him to know that.
Bestie was asking me yesterday if we'd had 'the talk' about shared responsibilities when the kiddo(s) arrive. I honestly have to laugh, because, if the kiddo(s) are like any other part of our relationship, I'd be shocked if he didn't jump right in and carry his weight plus more. I don't want to sound like a lazy fart, so I won't go into details about our current breakdown of home responsibilities, but you get the picture.
There is a annual get-together with all the guys from his college fraternity* this weekend. These guys, as hopeless as they seemed in college, have turned out to be some of the most upstanding successful men I know. ML has been debating whether or not he wants to go. I warned him that this might be one of his last free passes before the kiddo(s) arrive after which time he'll be on lockdown with me. It was a joke, kindof, and we laughed a little, but I could see the terror in his eyes. Really though, I am so glad that he has these amazing friends, and honestly wish that they could all get together more often. I know that he could really benefit from their support right now.
* Have you ever seen the movies Animal House or Old School? His house was a little like that, a bizarre mix-match of guys living together in the most disgustingly dirty house with a keg on tap 24/7. I actually met ML at a party in that house, but that's a story for another day! oh yes, the house was burned to the ground accidentally last year. idiots.
The spotting has stopped, which although I've been assured is normal, had me a little freaked out. I've been having some cramping, nothing very strong, but definitely noticeable, on and off throughout the day. A big nasty cold sore popped up on my upper lip yesterday. I get a cold sore every couple years and take the wonder valtrex pill which makes it disappear almost instantly, but alas no pill for me this time. My PIO rump is growing increasingly painful, but still bearable. and tell me I'm crazy but my pants are feeling tight. I gained about 5 lbs during the ivf cycle, and another 2 lbs since then. So maybe it is just the extra weight, but it does have me wondering what I am going to be wearing here pretty quickly!
In celebration of National Infertility Awareness Week, I made an appointment to advocate to my Congressman and also decided which myth I am going to bust.

Glad to hear all is going well with you! Happy Birthday to your man!
P.S My man lived in a fraternity too, and I've visited a few times...I still can't believe he actually lived like that...gross!
So, I was logging into my blog when I saw your new post. I could have written almost the same thing. Today is the hubs' b-day and he do was in a fraternity in college (I was in a sorority). His fraternity was the "bad" one on campus - they were kicked off for their 3rd time in the schools 50-year history during his sophomore year. A few years after college we were talking about his apartment from his senior year and I swore he had gray carpet - apparently it started off red.
awww Happy Birthday to him!!!
I cracked up when you said you could see the fear in his eyes.
I'm glad to hear the spotting has stopped. Been praying for ya!
Happy Birthday to him!
Happy Birthday ML, from one April baby to another!
And yay that the spotting stopped!
Happy birthday to your husband! :) Bet it's a pretty amazing one this year...
Oh and I wouldn't think you were lazy. Believe me, Alex does far more than most people think is fair around our house too. Anyone who thinks you're lazy is just jealous ;) lol.
Super-relieved that the spotting has stopped! Hope it stays gone - you don't need that kind of worry!
Happy Birthday to DH! He sounds like a pretty amazing catch, but then again you are one of the sweetest most thoughtful people I think I've ever met, so I would say he is the lucky one. :)
I'm glad the spotting has stopped. I think it just means baby has really settled in deeply and is now getting ready for a nice long 8 months of growing big and strong before making his/her entry into the world.
I also have some cramping on and off, but the doc keeps telling me it is all normal. Here's to a normal pregnancy to both of us.
I gave hubby free pass all pregnancy so he could play games and be a bum...our house paid dearly for it, but he is so hands on now it's amazing. But yeah, he sort of had fear as well.
Soooo glad to hear the spotting has stopped :-)
The cramping is normal. I was very crampy at the beginning of my pregnancy. I constantly felt like I was about to get my period. And then, just before 7 weeks, after an "O" (you know what I mean), I had some of the worst cramps of my life. They lasted for hours, and I was doubled over and couldn't talk. I finally took something (one of the only two times I took any meds when I was pregnant).
And I was wearing a belly band by 4.5 weeks because I could no longer do up my pants. And I was in full-on maternity pants by 10 or 11 weeks. My bump just SHOT out! It CAN happen!! :)
Happy Birthday ML! I hope that you have a great celebration today. And you know that it's not really the big ticket items that make a difference. I somehow suspect that spending his birthday with you is what he wants.
I'm very relieved to read that the spotting has stopped. Thank you, Universe. Happy NIA week!
sending many hugs from Canada.
So glad the spotting stopped!
I'm so glad to hear that the spotting has stopped. What a relief for you!
I just have to say that I am so inspired by your activism. You are doing such a great job of speaking out about infertility from a public health/insurance perspective. I don't know how you find the strength!
It is sucha blessing to be entering parenthood with a husband you know is at your side doing his bit. My hubby is also holding more than his fair share these days and it just makes me so grateful that I am making a family with him!
BTW I have put on 2kgs (4lbs) since the IVF and I have definite thickening around the waist, so it could be your baby(ies) having an impact early!
Happy birthday ML =)
Happy Birthday! I think sometimes we don't give as much credit as is due. I hope that he goes out and has a great weekend. I'm also glad the spotting has stopped. I hope you start feeling better as well!
Great to hear that your spotting has stopped and admire you for making an appt with your Congressman :)) Happy birthday to your DH... hope you both enjoy a fun celebration - I reckon that you being pregnant is a pretty magical birthday present xoxo
I'm so happy to hear your doing well and you've succeeded through IVF! I would love to feature your success story on my blog when you're ready to! Happy Birthday to your DH!
Here's the link to the info:
Thanks in advance! And happy ICLW!
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