I always expected that we would be ecstatic when we finally got the wonderful news that we were pregnant. The reality has been so different.
I expected to cry tears of joy, to embrace ML, to joyfully announce to my mom that she would finally be a grandma, to hug Bestie knowing that we are finally pregnant together.
There were tears, my dear sister burst into sobs when I told her over the phone that she was going to be an auntie. It was the sweetest, purest reaction. Her heart is so big, and even though we've had our challenges, her love for me, ML and this baby is so clear.
We've been so cautious as we've shared the news. And everyone has ben so careful to follow our lead in their response. At the same time as I want them to understand our hesitation in believing that this is actually happening, I want them to burst into tears of joy, to dance in the street, to respond ecstatic.
I really think that there was a part of me that believed we would never find ourselves here. My Someday mantra was specifically crafted in such a way that it looked beyond HOW we would become parents. Early on our journey huge pieces of the how were torn away from us and I spent a long time grieving that loss. Part of that process was letting go of a lot of the the expectations I had about how we would become parents.
I had the tinyist bit of light pink spotting when I wiped yesterday. I was strangely calm, thinking that 'it was what it was' and there wasn't much I could do about it. But it also made me think that being pregnant, what I thought was an outcome I wanted, is really only a means to the ultimate outcome that I really want.
Don't get me wrong, I've wanted this pregnancy more than anything. I want this more than anything I've ever wanted. However all these emotions are all existing together in that crazy mishmash of feelings that I've learned co-exist in each of us.
Its been a week and 2 days since we got our good news, and slowly, very slowly, it is starting to sink in, starting to feel real.
Resolve is celebrating National Infertility Awareness Week with a Bust a Myth campaign. I've been trying to think about a myth that I can bust in honor of NIAW, and came across this Myth/Fact on the Resolve website. It seems fitting for what I am feeling right now.
Myth: "You will be ecstatic when you get that positive pregnancy test."
Fact: There are many non ecstatic feelings aroused by that positive test. Most couples experience shock and disbelief. As one RESOLVE member said, "During eight years of infertility I had fantasized how I would react to the news we had waited to hear each month. I had dreamed how I would shout it from the roof tops and call everyone I knew that didn't happen. When the doctor told me...all I could say was 'are you sure?' I sat at the table, numb, trying to absorb what I had just heard. I guess what I feel is that I am protecting myself again." There is also a great deal of fear and anxiety, especially about pregnancy loss. Often there are symptoms, such as spotting, that escalate that fear. For many people, the anxiety is somewhat eased by an ultrasound showing a uterine pregnancy or by carrying into the third trimester. For others, especially those who have previously lost pregnancies, anxiety can remain until a healthy baby is delivered. One pregnant woman said, "My first 4 pregnancies ended in miscarriage...I cannot bear to hear people say, 'Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations!' No, it is not wonderful...being pregnant is frightening and anxiety producing and a situation in which daily life feels like walking on eggs."
I'm off to the spa with my mama. Hope that you all can find an excuse to pamper yourselves a little this week :)

That really is a very poignant myth to share in this moment. Feelings of elation yet trepidation when pregnancy actually happens for the infertile couple.
Hope you and your mom enjoyed your time at the spa together - sounds wonderful.
Big hugs to all of you,
Lily - The Infertile Mind
Your sister's reaction is so sweet. I'm glad things are starting to sink in for you. I know it has to be hard to believe it's FINALLY your turn!
I hope the spa was wonderful girl! You deserve it!
You sound very grounded and peaceful... it's understandable to feel hesitation about what will happen but just to be able to say to yourself "it was what it was" show how strong you are. Love the Bust a Myth campaign... will have to join in too xoxo
Perfect myth to bust. I think when you have been through so much to get knocked up it can seem far to unreal to get too ecstatic about the news.
I am so glad your sister had such a genuine un-controlled reaction. Mine also just burst into tears at the news!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I've read through your story - wow, you have been through a lot! Congratulations on your pregnancy! That is so exciting! I understand your reservedness (I didn't stop being nervous until my son was actually out of my body and perfectly healthy), but I am excited for you:) I will keep you in my prayers.
How I understand what you are going through. I remember being terrified and then bursting into tears when I saw those lines. The two weeks after till your first U/S is an emotional whirlwind. When we finally saw the baby on the U/S, I asked the doc if that was really in my womb. My doc assured me that it was for real. The first U/S really helps, but I think till you get past the first tri - you will continue to be scared to be ecstatic. Its totally normal :)
I wish I didn't understand your feelings so well. I have worked myself up into an emotional mess over each beta, and I have called my doc's office in tears after bouts of cramps and strange feelings made me convinced something was terribly wrong. I realize I must sound crazy to the nursing staff, but that is what I am right now...crazy.
We are doing an early ultrasound on Thursday - so early we might not even be able to see anything at all, but I just need to do it. I want to have the doctor say to me that everything looks great, and is in the right place.
Wishing you the best at your ultrasound next week!
In the beginning of my pregnancy is when I felt the most anger about our IF experience. I wanted so badly to just be able to have blind faith that everything was going to be okay, like everyone else did. I hated having this small part of me that was holding back, terrified of getting comfortable with my new "state." It got better as time went on. But I never stopped checking the toilet paper. I never didn't have a near-nervous-breakdown waiting for them to find the baby's HB with the doppler. In fact, my OB reached the point about half way in where he waited until after they'd done the HB to check my BP because it was always deceptively higher from the anxiety.
Anyway, all that to say that I understand how you feel.
PS...Have I told you Congratulations? I suddenly feel uncertain about whether I actually clicked over from Reader when I read your news. Well, just in case...CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you. :)
I am so uplifted by your happy post! It is so wonderful to see you in such a happy place!
thanks for your comment on my blog :). I am glad to hear that it can work the first try. I only recently started thinking about how I would feel when I finally got pregnant. And the myth you posted explained it perfectly. I am terrified that when I finally do get pregnant it will be snatched away from me.
Anyway I'm sure it will all be fine :) congrats!
I feel myself so much in this. I asked the nurse if she was sure. And we called everyone and shouted to the world. But I was numb. I never wrote about that. I don't know why. I stayed so focused on the next bloodwork, the u/s, etc. Because it was too hard to believe. It felt oddly anticlimactic. I think it is a self-preservation thing. Thank you for sharing! I, too, am in search of a myth to bust.
As for spotting, I hear it is totally normal. When is the u/s? LOVE YOU!. Breathe, my love, and thank you for the card!
yes, I was numb too, wanted to take lots of at home PG tests and just kind of sat and couldn't believe it. I knew it was true, but my brain didn't register anything until ...well I think it was about 15 weeks or so, when I chose to believe that I was in fact PG...and then I allowed myself to be happy. I know exactly how you felt, but I promise you will know that JOY soon, you will.
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