Bestie is the best friend a girl could ask for. She came over last night and braved the PIO injection for me. And again tonight I went to her house and she delivered the injection. She did a great job. and I love her for it.
My rump is feeling increasingly sore and painful. I have to be careful as I sit, and rolling over in bed at night is enough to make me gasp when I roll onto a sore spot. ML has always said that my tolerance for pain is crazy low. I'm beginning to think that he might be right.

Because of Hubby's workk schedule, a good friend did my PIO injections nearly every Saturday for 8 weeks LOL. The poor thing had such a rough time with it at first but got braver over the weeks. Glad you have Bestie to help you out!
What an awesome friend! Sorry about the pain, I have a low pain tolerance too (I think. I seem to complain more than husband, anyways) so am sympathizing right now. Ouch ouch ouch! Does heat or ice help the area at all?
So nice to have a close friend who will fill in for DH! Some days my hips are really sore and sometimes it's not so bad. I think they are less sore when I'm not tense and can really relax the muscle. But when I try to focus on doing that, it never happens! It will be a happy day when we no longer have to worry about PIO shots!
Bestie is one awesome girl. Please thank her for me for taking such good care of you. I'm sorry to hear that your rump is hurting so much. How much longer do you have to do this? Week 11?
That's what besties are for!! Yay for them!!!
Thanks for the great advice on my post last night. Yes, I am doing estrogen suppositories on top of the 4 estrogen patches....maybe this is why I am feeling so crazy?! HA! So, yes 4 suppositories a day! Thanks for the great advice...I am feeling much better about the whole situation after all your guys' great, helpful comments! Thank you!!!
Does it help at all the use a warm wash cloth and massage the site after? I am sorry you are having so much pain with the shots.
What a great friend. Maybe you can ice your rump a little at night before going to bed. It might help!
Love a bestie like that. A friend of mine who has been know to faint at the sight/thought of blood very enthusiastically gave me several of my PIO injections, love her for it!
I found a few tricks for less painful injections/sites were: sit or lie for the shot, don't stand (you want your muscle relaxed), My husband vigorously massaged the area after each time..
Great that she could help you out... sounds like a wonderful friend. Hope all is going well... think of you and bub often xoxo
I'm glad you friend filled in. Especially if you would have freaked out about doing it on your own. And I's sorry that your rear is so sore tat the moment. But - It's only for a while, and you'll get through it, because you're strong and awesome!
Yay for Bestie, but sorry you are so sore. Good thing is it is for a good cause, right?! :D
What a great friend to have. Just catching up here..I was happy to read that the spotting stopped :)
I'm so glad that you have a friend like that, I would have done it!!!!
love you!!!!!
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