But there have also been some rays of light along the way. I would have never guessed that I was as strong and resilient as I am. Or that my love for my husband could be so intense. And who knew that there was this incredible community of amazing resilient women waiting here for me in blogland?
The support and encouragement I've found here, well, - i just don't have the words to communicate how incredible it has been.
I found my voice here. This blog has given me a space to unload all of my fears, and hopes, and crazy mixed up thoughts. It gave me a structure to organize my thoughts, even when I am not logged on, I create posts in my head, and am able to let go of the thought insanity. It has kept me sane this past year.
I wish I could personally thank you. every single one of you who has read, who has commented, who has emailed, who has shared your story for me to read, who has opened your own blog up to my comments... Your presence has made this space real for me.
Thank You from the depths of my heart.
During my IVF cycle I received 419 incredible loving supportive comments. amazing. I am now thrilled to announce that the winner of my IVF cycle giveaway is Carlia from The Stork Drop Zone.
Carlia and her husband started trying to conceive back in 2002. She started her blog in 2008, and has really picked up steam this last year. Her posts are always fun and interesting, and I love how she always manages to incorporate pictures. I've really enjoyed reading back through some of her older posts and am so impressed with her perseverance and resiliency. She is embarking on a plan of IUI's and I hope that her new fertility bracelet will give her some extra strength on her journey. Carlia is the winner of a beautiful Bloomtastic fertility bracelet handmade by Jenna from Among the Blosoms.
Heck, I wish that I could send all of you a beautiful inspired gift to thank you personally for your incredible support. If you are willing to send me (via email) your mailing address I would like to send you a little something special. While I can't promise a beautiful Bloomtastic bracelet, I can promise that you'll receive a little gift from me to say thanks.

Congratulations to the winner and congratulations to you too, Foxy. I have enjoyed following your journey thus far and can't wait to keep following to find out more about your little bean.
You are going to be a fantastic mother. :)
thank you so much! i am so excited! all of the bracelets are so beautiful, so everyone should head over there and snatch one up. :)
I wore one throughout my whole cycle! And then I broke it, LOL, but I put some belief in it and it helped me...love you girlie!
Oh congrats to carlia! I think I may have to buy one myself. :) so happy for you as well and I can only hope you have the easiest pregnancy!
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