It all feels so surreal. Like, is this really happening? It could be the drugs I am taking, but I am actually having a hard time getting my head around it all. I feel like I should be more "in" this experience, but instead I just feel so groggy and almost like I am in a dream or something. There is a strange sense of detachment.
Our transfer is set for 12:15 on Monday. I feel confident that we will have two good little embies to return, and I also have a surreal kind of confidence that they will both grow. Ten is a great number, I know, but it almost feels unnecessary. (which is the strangest thing to say, I know, and not what I expected to feel.)
I have three questions for you wise women:
1) Are they embryos as soon as they fertilize? Do I say we have ten fertilized eggs or ten embryos?
2) I am feeling bad about feeling so bad after this retrieval. How long will it take to feel better? For the pain and discomfort to go away? Is there anything I can do to help recover faster? Is the transfer going to hurt?
3) We did our second PIO injection this morning. The injection itself wasn't bad, but now I have two hips that are so sore. I sleep on my side and the pressure on my hip was not pleasant last night. But now I have two hips that are sore. What to do?

What a great number! I'll be thinking of you Monday and praying for some sticky embies!
Congrats! As for your questions, yes they are considered embryos at this point. I felt like total crap for days after my retrieval, but it was mostly constipation. I had nausea but only for a day or so. I didn't do PIO so I can't answer that question
OMG I am so happy for you and your TEN embryos!!!! Wahoo!!!
I hope you feel better soon! My RE said I could work the day after retrieval...ummm I am thinking not! Are you still taking the vicodin? Feel better love!
That is great news! Hope everything goes well on Monday! I haven't done the PIO shots (yet) but someone mentioned that sitting on a heating pad afterwards helps. Best wishes!
That is fantastic news! I can't answer your questions - but will be experiencing the PIO soon...I am really anxious about it...especially since it is daily - how are my hips going to handle that??
Praying for those embies to stick after transfer!!!
10 is a great number!! We had 9 fertilize, transferred 2, and were able to freeze 3. So don't think 10 is unecessary, because they probably won't all be usable. Yep, they are embies as soon as they fertilize and divide.
I felt achy and exhausted after retrieval with some abdominal discomfort, and I also felt like I was in some kind of surreal dream. It feels that way I think because you're suddenly in a place you never thought you'd be, with your future children sitting on a countertop a few miles away instead of safely dividing inside of your womb where they're supposed to be. I mean, it IS kind of surreal, so it makes sense to feel a little out of it! You'll get better if you just give yourself time to rest. It took me about two days to feel mostly normal, but I had to heal up faster because I had Bobby's recovery to focus on. Poor guy was a mess.
For me, transfer didn't hurt at all. The worst part was how uncomfortable my bladder was because I overfilled it. Maybe focusing on trying not to pee all over the doctor kept me from feeling the catheter, I don't know. Even if I had felt it, seeing the little squirt on the ultrasound screen when they dropped the kids off was so cool that I probably would have stopped feeling the pain then anyway. Are they going to give you something to relax? I had Valium that didn't kick in until after I was finally able to go to the bathroom.
I ended up having terrible allergies to the PIO injections and had huge rashes and lumps around my bum and hips. I eventually had to switch to suppositories. To relieve the achiness, try using a warm compress after you push the injection to help the oil spread a little faster. Also stay very hydrated, as you probably have been doing already because of your OHSS risk. That will help you recover faster as well.
Hope all that helps... Love you, lady!
Foxy, 1) yes, they are your beautiful embryos! 2) Drink water & gatorade, use a heating pad, and sleep as much as you can (maybe even take a tylenol pm at night)
3) To minimize the soreness with the shots, try laying down on your stomach to relax the hip, and use heat on the area for at least a few minutes after taking the shot. Are you using the smallest needle allowable for the shots?
@Dory, we have the same transfer story! My bladder was overfilled too...even after I went and "released" some--ie. peed a little and caused myself so much burning pain that I thought I was going to die right there and never make it to the transfer room. And my valium also didn't kick in til after. I kept on asking the nurse when I was going to get my valium and they kept saying "as soon as the dr comes in and you sign the form" Ugh!! I hope its different this time. I know I for sure won't be drinking as much water.
and btw Foxy, ten is an awesome number!
I agree with Cherbear's comments on post ER soreness. I am usually fine after but this time I had a touch of ohss. I took it very easy, try to stay well hydrated (gatoraide especially), eat salty food and lots of protein. I was also told no exercise at all. As for POI, heating pads work wonders and try massaging the injection sight after you inject.
Great news so far, cycle buddy!!
thanks so much for all of your support this cycle.
that's so exciting! i'm so glad you're feeling so positive about it. i'll be crossing my fingers that they will stick. :)
That's so awesome! Ten is a great number. They're embies already and I'm happy for you, because 10 is a good number to work with. I hope that you get exactly what you need. Take it easy, relax and take care of yourself. I wish I had advice for you - but you're ahead of me, so instead I'm just watching you carefully to have an idea what to look out for.
Wow Foxy! That's great! I also wanted to tell you thank you so much for the blanket for A! He has carried it around ever since it came in the mail. He loves playing hide and seek by putting it over toys, then uncovering it and shrieking with glee! Thank you so much!
Congrats Foxy. 10 is a great number. I'm so excited and happy for you. Hope you feel up to speed soon.
What a wonderful number! I'm so happy for you :) I hope the pain goes away very soon and you can just focus on your relaxation and look forward to the transfer date!
Yay! I think 10 is a great number. I hope they all grow and develop well. I had the same problem with PIO that you are having. Flipping our mattress helped a little bit. I switched to suppositories at around 7 weeks, because I couldn't take it anymore! However, the side sleeping will come in really handy when you are big and pregnant! I hope you feel better soon!
Congrats! Ten is great!
I can't really answer your questions but I am SO SO pleased to hear about all your embies!!! Will be waiting all monday for your report!!!
10 is absolutely AWESOME!! Go Foxy! You are in great stead for high quality embryos for transfer tomorrow and plenty to freeze. That is just so wonderful. I have enormous amounts of hope for you, dear woman.
My understanding is that fertilized egg that have reached the 2-cell stage are now embryos. So on day two (in your case, today, since your had your retrieval on Friday, which was day 0).
Can't wait to hear about the embryo transfer. It was such a wonderful experience for me. I am still glowing!
Hope the soreness goes away soon. Take it easy, and continue with your good self-care.
My warmest hugs to you. Thinking of you lots.
Fantastic number :)) With you on the soreness... I was very surprised how sore I was but got better over a few days. Hope you'r feeling better soon xoxo
TEN is awesome! I've heard the transfer is a walk in the park compared to the ER, so I hope you are feeling better soon and ready to take on some new travelers for the next nine months. :)
What a great number, congratulations!
I've also heard that heat can help with the PIO injections as well as gentle massaging right after the injection. Hope you start to feel better soon.
Hooray for 10! You will lose one or two each day as the strong ones "prove" themselves, so that's a great number, not overkill by any means. Thinking great thoughts for your transfer tomorrow. Mine was not painful at all-- similar to an IUI but with a very full bladder.
I was definitely more sore after the retrieval than I expected-- felt like someone had punched my stomach from the inside out, hurt to walk, spent that day and the next in bed. Attempted to work from home but was only able to on and off because of the pain. Take good care of yourself :)
Congratulations! Thats GREAT!!! I'm really really excited for you. I'm sorry to hear (and now a little nervous) that you're recovery from ER isn't going so swiftly. Yikes! Has your RE had any insight into why this happened? Hoping for a successful transfer and wishing you the best.
I didn't know that it was your Anniversary also!! AHH! I am so excited for you sweetie! <3
Awesome post. I really dont have any answers to your questions though. I wish I did.
Just catching up now to Wonderful news. Good luck on the transfer today.
Fantastic number foxy!!! Good luck for your transfer today.
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