We are 8 days past our 3 day transfer - so far so good. I am not really feeling any symptoms, other than the sore PIO rump, a bladder that wakes me up to be relieved every night, some lightheadedness when I get up, and these maybe cramps. I can explain it all away as side effects of the massive amounts of progesterone that I am taking. Even my boobies that were painfully sore after the retrieval are feeling back to normal.
My first blood test is tomorrow! But they won't tell me the results until the second blood test on Friday. I do envision spending the weekend celebrating or grieving the news with ML, but don't know how we can not tell our support people who are expecting to hear from us. This process kind of takes away the ability to make a grand announcement to our family on our own terms. Any ideas or suggestions for how to deal with this?
Before I run off to work, I had to share this adorable picture of my sweet puppy. We don't have snow where I live, but we do visit it regularly and she LOVES it!
my puppy LOVES the snow.

It's always hard when the moment of truth comes and there are so many waiting to hear the news. I've decided to try to avoid that this time. We aren't telling anyone about our IVF cycle. Not sure how well I will be able to keep up with that though. Especially if I have to miss family stuff due to appointments!
As for your situation, maybe you could explain to everyone pretty much what you said here. You want the weekend alone with ML to either grieve or celebrate and that you will be making an announcement on Monday...or whenever.
Keeping you in my thoughts!
I agree. My support system is also anticipating the news. Normally, people wait until 12 weeks has passed before making an announcement, but with all the IF stuff, my best friends know that I'm in my 2ww.
BTW: Adorable puppy! How I <3 furbabies. :)
Hope you have a wonderful weekend celebrating! Cute pup!!
Gorgeous dog!!
We are testing this weekend too and the thoughts of the outcome is unbearable.Ii have everything crossed for you! Xx
I have been thinking about you!! Thanks so much for your awesome post about hope on my blog~ you really inspire me and you have so much courage and grace. No doubt you are going to be an amazing mommy.
Your dog is GORGEOUS!!!! I love German Shepards~ amazing dogs.
Lot's of love and best of luck.
My boobs didn't hurt at all and the only symptom I had was feeling like AF was about to arrive! Good luck!! And your dog is just gorgeous!
Eep, they have you do both betas, but they keep you in the dark after the first one? I think I'd go crazy with the wanting to know. I know that I had Jakobe hide all the HPTs from me so that I wouldn't be tempted. Okay (all but one - that I'll be using after the trigger so that I can see what positive really looks like...) I know how you feel about having th ability to amke the announcement when and how you choose being taken away from you - Right now I'm telling everyone that if they don't hear from me after my beta, then I'm not pregnant and I'll call them when I'm ready. I guess that also gives us the option of keeping it secret from some people until we're ready to tell.
I just wanted to tell you that I thought about you last night. Your someday "mantra" crossed my mind just out of the blue. I heard in my head "Someday twins. Someday a yard littered with toys." I know that's not exactly it but those words crossed my head and I immediately thought, I need to see if Foxy posted. And I started praying to God to give you peace and calm your heart. Were you feeling anxious last night? I also prayed that you were pregnant (of course) and I just smiled with the thought of it. I just wanted to let you know :)
I'll be thinking of you, my transfer will be Friday so I will be hoping for good luck for both of us!
Great pic of the snow-loving puppy, that's a happy face! This is the first I've read about an RE waiting until the second beta to tell you the news, but I sure do hope and pray they call with a reason to celebrate!!! Thinking of you!
What an adorable puppy! Gotta love em...our dog has made this IF journey a little easier :)
Good luck tomorrow! I can't believe they'll make you wait until Friday!
Does everyone know exactly when you'll be testing? When we were in a treatment cycle, we usually lied and told people we wouldn't know until a few days after our scheduled beta, so we could at least process the results by ourselves first. It can be hard though!
Your puppy looks so happy in the snow. I'm not sure how ours would react. He's a little hesitant of rain and hail.
I'll be thinking about you tomorrow.
Cute, cute puppy!!
I can't believe they make you wait till Friday's test to tell you!
My boobs soreness went away pretty early-- before my BFP. The only IPS/RPS I had was a little bit of snot-like CM at 5dp5dt. Looking forward to hearing about you positive soon!!
I'm keeping you in my prayers!
Maybe you can have your hubby cause some distraction so you can sneak a peek at the results ;)
Btw, your puppy is ridiculously adorable!
Wishing you the best! I'm amazed you've managed to avoid POAS. I don't think I'll make it that far.
I'll be thinking of you this week!
Oh yeah, IF and info sharing is difficult. But remember, you don't OWE anybody any answers if you are not ready.
Praying for good news!
For every IVF we had a policy that we would only shqare the news (good or bad) with everyone once we had shared it with our immediate families. This did result in some frustration in cyberland, but you have to handle this in the way that works best for the two of you.
Keeping fx for you!
Hi sweetie! Before I forget, isn't Kir amazing??? I love that woman!
If you need to wait and share news with us later, that is totally understandable...I may go crazyknowing that you find out Friday, but we will all understand that larger plans exist :-)
Love you darlin. HUGS
Aww, your pup looks happy in the snow =)
Of course everyone who's rooting for you are eager to know the result. But you should do what feels best, it's such a personal thing after all.
I told my family my beta was actually a day after the real date, to give us some private time to process. When the result was good, we called everyone on that day, and surprised them. No one minded except my bossy sister, who said she felt like we were being "sneaky" (hello, it's our news! we can be as sneaky as we want!), but you just can't please anyone. We ended up taking a HPT a few days before the beta and had about three days to process the news just ourselves before sharing, and that time was WONDERFUL.
Good luck! I don't know how you're going to wait until Friday :)
Your Pup is adorable :)
I am thinking and praying for you and your embies! I am so excited to hear GREAT news from you! I am 6DPIUI #4, our final IUI and I am feeling really positive!
BFP's for us! April is the Month!!!
Sending lots of Luv <3 <3 <3 <3
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