We arrived at the surgery center right on time and were led to our room. I changed into the gown and in no time the staff was running all the pre-op procedures. The anesthesiologist came in to meet us. The embryologist came in to say hi. Our RE check in to see how we were doing. Twenty minutes later I gave ML a big kiss and walked back to the retrieval room.
Nervous, yes, I was pretty nervous at this point. The room was full of people, hustling around with their different responsibilities. As the nurse was positioning me on the table, the anesthesiologist was telling me that I'd start to feel like I'd had a few cocktails. Within a minute I was asleep.
They were saying my name and raising the table as I woke up. I was hurting. I grabbed the hand of the dr who was standing closest, needing some comfort in that moment. The nurses had me moved into a wheelchair and back in the first room where ML was waiting. I was in a lot of pain, but also very out of it. Tears streamed down my grimaced face. I held on to ML's hand and curled up into a little ball.
I could hear the nurses talking and they were quick to get some extra pain meeds pushed into my iv. It wasn't until the second or third round of additional pain meds that I could start to relax. ML wiped my tears away and sat close assuring me that I could relax and rest now.
ML woke me up sometime later and gave me a little juice. I was still curled in a ball, fearful that moving would bring the pain back. The nurse gave him all sorts of instructions about our medication protocol for the next few days and post-op instructions. I thought that I was listening, but can't really recall much of what she explained.
We'd brought our Progesterone in Oil with us so that the nurse could show ML how to give me the shots. She did her thing and I said "Wow, I didn't even feel that!" ML looked a little surprised at my announcement, and the other nurse reminded us both that I was on a lot of pain medication at the moment!
We finally made it home, into my pajamas, and onto the couch. ML brought me a heating pad that helped a lot with my comfort level. I drank a little bit of my odwala protein drink. ML got called into work for a couple hours, so we called my mom to come and be with me. I'd also scheduled a masseuse to come to the house. She arrived and got set up. My mom got here and ML left.
The massage was actually the best thing that I could have done. She was so gentle and soothing. Her hands on my skin were just the thing to lower any residual anxiety and bring me back into a balanced state of calm relaxation. I felt so much better after she left.
The rest of the afternoon/evening was spent curled on the couch with my mom and ML, watching season one of Glee, taking my vicoden every 5 hours.
I am feeling a hundred times better today. So long as I don't move :)
Thank you all SO much for your amazing support! I really was out of it yesterday, but my mom told me that my phone beeped all day long with text messages and emails from my this incredible loving community.

Glad it went well! Take care of yourself!!!!
12 is great! I remember being so out of it too. So glad you are home and resting. Cannot wait to hear the fertilization report!
12 perfect eggs is amazing! Just amazing! You did it! I am so proud of you, Foxy. It sounds like the pain was intense, but that those pain meds did their work to take the edge off. And what a lovely evening watching tv with your mom and ML, just relaxing after your massage. I am glad that you are taking such good care of yourself. Some precious embryos are coming home soon :) Rest well until then. You are in my thoughts all the time. It's been wonderful to cycle together. Thank you for your amazing words of love and support. Sending warm hugs.
I was about to email you cause I was so worried that you hadn't posted anything yet...so glad to hear you are doing well, and that the pain meds are working and doing their thing.
I'm anxious now for my own retrieval, and I do wish my mom lived closer, but I'm sure it will all be fine...I've got lots of Jane Austen to keep me company.
Glad to hear that you are doing well! Hope that all your eggs fertilize =)
Glad you are feeling better today. Keeping my fingers crossed for a great fert report!
That is amazing news!! I am so happy that you got that many~ fingers crossed for the fert. results!
take care of yourself and rest, rest, rest!
can't wait to hear how the fertilization went!! just relax and let everyone take care of you... the next few weeks will be crazy!
Woohoo! 12 is awesome. Have fun relaxing and resting.
this sounds promising! keep us posted on how everything goes and get some rest :)
Wow! You've got a wonderful dozen. :) I hope the little guys fertilize like mad. Take care of yourself. I anxiously await your next post. BTW: I find it really interesting that you were fully anesthetized. It's typical protocol to be consciously sedated here in British Columbia. So theoretically I should feel no pain but be aware of what's going on. I wonder why it differs so much from Canada to the States?
Was thinking of you for your ER and 12 eggs is great news :)) I couldn't believe how bad the pain was... wasn't expecting it ! Look after yourself and get plenty of rest xoxo
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