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me and my sisters, many years ago |
When we were little there was always a man at the wharf whose monkey would dance around and take coins from people's hands. It was the coolest thing. We would go to the wharf and my dad would give us each a few coins and we would sit at the edge of the rug reach out to offer our coin and the monkey would run around to each of us to take the coin and offer us a dance or a kiss or some other trick as a little sign of appreciation. It really was the coolest thing. Sometime I wonder what happened to the Monkey man and his monkey.
It's late and I'm tired, but I can't seem to sleep.
Our cycle day 9 appointment went well this morning. Everything is progressing just as it should. Retrieval is pushed to Friday or Saturday. We joked about having so much leftover medication.
I am starting to feel those ovaries. There is a tenderness and fullness that isn't painful, per se, but out of place and reason to move with caution. I told ML that I will be happy to have the retrieval sooner if it will relieve this pressure. I wondering too if the new med, garirelix, might have brought on some tiredness and a stomach that doesn't feel quite right. Not nauseous, but not quite right.
I need to make a list of TV shows and movies to watch this weekend and next week if/when I am laid up. It is going to ML's job tomorrow to start collecting me some good viewing material. Happy cheerful stuff. Any suggestions?

SOunds to me as though everything is on track and while I know the pressure is building in those ovaries pushing the retrieval will ensure more of your follies hold beautiful mature eggs.
As for TV shows, we started watching 'Heros' series (bought the season 1-3 box set) and it is proving a great distraction from our 2ww.
I'm outing myself as a total nerd, but there's nothing like Joss Whedon when you're stuck in bed. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the TV show, not the movie); Angel (which might not make sense if you haven't seen Buffy); or Firefly.
What a cute picture of you and your sisters. And it sounds like you are getting what our Sattva was feeling before the retrieval: feeling like her ovaries were big, feeling like her stomach was off. The retrieval will help ease this pressure. I hope it's Friday!
In terms of recommendations, I would say the movie 'The Switch' might be a propos. I found it funny.
There was a study done with clowns used after IVF transfers. Supposedly there was a higher pregnancy rate in the test (clown) group.
So...watch some funny stuff!! I recommend "Nick Swardon's Seriously Who Farted?"...its a hilarious stand-up routine. Also Jim Gaffigan is funny, and there's one in particular but I can't remember the title.
Wow, I can't believe you are still walking around with all those ripe follicles in your ovaries. You are amazing. In your situation I might just lay with my feet up, and forget the world for a while. :)
Best of luck with everything, though I'm sure your egg retrieval is going to go very well. I'm planning on two days of Austen myself (well, if I make it to retrieval). I am a total Jane Austen fan, and I think it will be just what the doctor ordered.
Stopping by from cyclesista to wish you luck! It looks like you and I are on the same timeline--I'll probably be doing ER on Friday.
I did chick flicks during my last IVF 2ww--Princess Bride, Pretty Woman, Miss Congeniality, etc. and loved it! It definitely helped to keep me occupied while laying around doing nothing else.
Good for you for planning ahead and getting everything ready for a chill weekend :) Hoping for the very best for you over the next few days!
Great that it's going well... I started feeling like a hen ready to lay all her eggs at this stage :)) Good idea to organise good things to watch on TV b/c I was sore for quite a few days... but all worth it in the end xoxo
So glad to hear that things are progressing so well!
During our last few months of IF treatment we've been watching seasons 1-4 of Dexter. It's not a happy show. It is a very violent and suspenseful show. But it worked well to channel my rage and keep my focus off my uterus! :)
now I want to know about the Monkey man too. :)
enjoy the TV time...gosh I love TV, enjoy , I heard that Sex & the City is a doing a marathon on E on Sun.
thinking of you......hoping you are smiling!
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