Trigger tonight at 10:30pm.
Retrieval on Friday at 10:30am.
Transfer on Monday.
Even with all the reductions in my meds, I am apparently at risk for OHSS so my trigger was switched from Ovidrel to Lupron. I just did some Dr. Google research and am feeling good about this change.
I am feeling a bit uncomfortable, and looking forward to having these eggs retrieved and this pressure relieved.
I had a rough time of it last night. I was so so so tired, even went to bed early, but just couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't get comfortable and my stomach just didn't feel right. I finally got up and made a snack, and read a few blogs. Then I went back to bed, tossed and turned, woke up ML, listened to some music, finally fell asleep only to have a bunch of bizarre anxiety ridden dreams.
Ohhh, my first Resolve support group meeting is tomorrow night. There is another women who I knew already who is coming, and two other women who saw the flyers and plan to attend. I am really looking forward to spending an hour talking with these ladies and feeling so hopeful that this group might actually take off.
Much love and luck to all of my cycle sisters. Reading your posts and knowing that we are all doing this together has given me so much strength. Thank you ALL for being a part of this community!

Yah for all systems go! You must be feeling so excited and relieved to be getting the eggies out.
The Resolve support group sounds great! We have a group of ladies who get together regularly who have all been through IF in some form and it makes the world of difference knowing that there are people you can talk to who actually 'get' what you are going through.
Good Luck and keep us posted!
I hope the OHSS symptoms subside quickly. Drink loads of water.
Good Luck Foxy!
Yea, I'm jealous you are already ready for trigger, though I'm sorry about the OHSS symptoms. Hope you feel better soon, and best of luck with the retrieval!
How exciting, good luck tomorrow!
Ohmygosh, 1 more day!! I'm so excited for you!! So they are already set on a 3 day transfer? No chance of a 5? If you've mentioned this before, forgive me for being a dummy and forgetting!
I'm really glad to hear that retrieval is Friday and not Saturday. It's time to help you feel a bit more comfortable and get those beautiful eggs out! I'm so excited.
I'm looking forward to hearing about your group this evening.
It's been fantastic to be cycle sisters, Foxy. I've appreciated it so much. Thank you for your incredible support, dear woman.
Exciting!! Can't wait to hear how things go. I'll be thinking of you and praying for the very best.
Hooray! I hope you are extra kind to yourself after the retrieval-- I had a lot of eggs and it sounds like you will too, and I was much more sore than I expected. Can't wait to hear how it goes!
YIIIIIPPPPPEEEEEE!!! I am so excited for you my friend! I didn't know that you could trigger with Lupron- learn something new everyday!
I am sending ovary minding thoughts up in the air. They better not act up! I was worrid about that for you since you had so many follies with clomid- but hopefully it will not develop into anything!!!!
Thank you again for your thoughtful and meaningful present. You are the sweetest thing, and I am so blessed to know you.
I'm so excited for you and your retrieval! I hope that you avoid the OHSS. I can't wait for an update!
Eeks! So close!!! Hoping you get lotsa beuatiful eggies...which go on to form beautiful embies :)
All good news! Fingers crossed all the way for you =)
yippee, I can't believe it's almost here...another day, mere hours away. My heart is almost bursting for you. xo
OMG!!! Best of luck, best of LUCK!!!!!
Good luck, I hope you avoid OHSS and that everything goes smoothly. I'll be waiting impatiently to know how you're doing. Take it easy, drink lots and lots of water, and take good care of yourself. WooHoo!!
YAY YAY YAY! I'm excited for you! Good luck tomorrow morning! And on Monday!
And also I'm really glad you've found a Resolve support group. Mine isn't run through Resolve - it's run through my clinic - but it's the best thing ever.
whoohooo!!!! This is all happening so fast! You will be in your 9 Month Wait before you know it! Good luck, I will be thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts :o)
Best of luck, Foxy! I've got everything crossed.
good luck with everything. I am axious for your report on how everything went!! I am dealing with OHSS now, not so fun. Drink lots of fluids and gatoraide. Take care of yourself!!!!
Feel better soon hon!
I will be thinking of you tomorrow and keeping my fingers and toes crossed for lots of eggies and no OHSS!!!!!!!
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