We woke up to news of the devastating earthquakes and tsunami in Japan. Living in earthquake country I can vividly recall the 1989 Loma Prieta quake. It was only a 6.9, but the shaking was intense. There was this gawd-awful sound of 10,000 nails grinding into a chalkboard, then the shaking started. I was just a kid at gymnastics class in an older building. We took shelter under the trampoline until the shaking stopped. I can remember watching the wall of windows in the building pulsate in and out thinking that they would shatter at any moment. My mom stayed calm, but I could sense the seriousness of her spirit. We lost power for 3 days, but nothing at our home was damaged.
There have been other quakes since then, none as large or devastating. But they are always scary. Not knowing how long the shaking will last, or how far the epicenter might be, or how I will be sure that my family and friends are all okay. Earthquakes are serious business.
We actually woke up to news of a tsunami watch along the coast. We live one (big) sand dune from the pacific ocean so we payed some attention, but I've studied the tsunami maps for our area and we aren't in a real danger zone. We were much less worried about a tsunami hitting us than we were about the earthquake that caused the waves. We had to switch thru a few networks, but found the news from Japan. My heart goes out to the people who are dealing with this disaster right now.
We got up and ventured out for my blood check. I still have a gross bruise from my baseline blood draw 3 days ago. The dr used a smaller needle this time and it hurt a lot less than normal.
As we were paying our bill to leave the Presidents press conference was just starting. ML wanted to watch so we sat in the reception watching the President talk about the disaster in Japan and the cost of gas and other world politics. I watched the tv, but also thought a lot about how lucky we are, to be safe and warm, to be doing this ivf, to know that my support system was waiting for a text update from the visit, to feel like there is hope of sorts. I always enjoy watching our president speak. I know that it is scripted, but there is a confidence that gives me hope.
We came back home and sat down to order our donor sperm. Alas, the donor that we used for our last IUI was sold out, as was the donor that we'd used for the first IUI. So we had to choose a new donor. It gets harder each time, and this time it felt like there weren't any choices that I could accept. I was starting to feel discouraged and frustrated when ML found a great option for us. He reminded me that this is a false choice, one that is a means to an end. I know that he is right, but it still sucked to call and place the order.
For whatever reason, maybe because I am feeling hopeful, I wanted to get the full profile info for the donor. So after placing my $640 sperm order I asked the rep if he could send me the full profile information. I was shocked when he said that we would have to purchase it for another $60. Excuse me? I know that this request is not out of line. I just purchased the sperm that may help create my family and you want to charge me another $60 to get a full profile of the donor? It makes me upset just writing this. So I left a message with his manager.
As soon as I hung up with the cryobank, the IVF nurse called with the results of my estradial blood test. She instructed me to reduce the amount of Folistem/Bravelle from 375 to 150 AND they moved up my next visit from Tuesday to Monday. I guess that means I am responding well to the meds, which is good, right?
Our medications for tonight will be:
150 units of Bravelle/Folistem (reduced from 375)
75 units of Menopur
81 mgs of Asprin
16 mgs of Medrol
I am still feeling good. Starting to feel a little nervous, but mostly excited.
(Don't forget that every comment during my ivf cycle is an entry into my giveaway! Thank you!)

Just a quick question, did the RE prescribe the asprin?
I live in an area where our biggest threat of nature is usually severe weather/tornadoes and I can only imagine how scary an earthquake would be. Sad.
That stinks about the donor report... as if we're not already giving hundreds/thousands for these procedures!
I hope that your report also means you are responding well and you continue to get good news!
good luck!!!
You are so right about how lucky we are, it is easy to forget this when we are mid cycle and stuck in our own heads so much. Thanks for the dose of perspective.
thanks for coming by my blog and entering my give-away!
i went through and read a bit of your blog and just wanted to wish you the best of luck with your IVF cycle. even though i'm doing IUI, it looks like we're cycle sisters! i'm really looking forward to following you through your journey. hopefully we'll get a couple of BFPs together! ;)
The Japan earthquake and tsunami is unfathomable. I woke up this morning to the news saying that the top of a nuclear reactor blew off and radiation is leaking out. I can't imagine how full of fear the citizens must be at this time. I too feel grateful to live a safe and good life over here, and I am reminded not to take it for granted.
That is quite insulting to be told that you would need to pay an extra $60 to see the profile. I'm glad that you will voice your discontent with the manager and hopefully start the process that will change this silly policy.
Exciting news about the follies growing. Can't wait to hear the update from Monday. Go, Foxy, GO!!!
Glad you found a donor! What a pain that they want yet more money to see the full profile, hope that gets resolved for you!
Glad to hear you found a donor you feel comfortable with.
I'm finally starting the stimming meds tonight! So nervous.
I was devastated by the news in Japan, too. Spent all day waiting to hear that my friend's parents were okay.
As for the DS, we were limited financially, so it, well, limited our choices. It's odd to order the genetic father of your child off a website...but remember, it's Hubby who will be your baby's DAD, and that is the biggest thing.
As for the profile, I don't know what bank you ended up going through, but the only thing we could get for free was a very basic profile - basic medical background and description. Make sure you document it all somewhere so that in the future, you have it for your bean.
AND, there are donor registries online (that I haven't looked up yet) where you can put out feelers for someone who may have used the same donor, so maybe you can get information that way.
Hang in there - eye on the prize, my sweet. Going to track down one of those sites for you! Love you lovely lady.
The earthquake and tsunami is so devastating... watching it all unfold on the news puts everything in perspective. Great that you're responding well to the meds :)) xoxo
Glad to hear everything is moving along well....
That's so ridiculous how they want to charge for a full profile. You'd think it would "come with" the sperm order. I remember we paid $20 just for a myers-briggs test result for one of the donors we were looking at, and I felt like it was price gouging.
I'm glad that its said and done because I know how stressful that part can be. We went through a few donors actually, because we never knew whether it was the sperm not making it (through our IUI cycles) but now that we've done IVF we know it was most likely my premature eggs.
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