(Yeah, that B word we call wicked mean ladies.)
For the record, I hate pharmacies. I hate everything about them. (except the drugs that they give me, I generally like those drugs.)
My roommate* texted me tonight that she was deathly ill. She was dropping her prescriptions off and didn't want to wait the 30 minutes while they were being filled. I told her to come home and offered to pick them up for her.
Poor sick roomy came home, told us about her flu, ear infection, and infected cat bite**. She crawled into bed, moaning. poor thing.
I was curled up on the couch with ML, happily working on a blog post, but I watched the clock and ventured out to the pharmacy about 40 minutes later.
The CVS drug store was quiet with the exception of a line at the pharmacy. There was clerk and one pharmacist working as slow as turtles. I patiently watched as the clerk couldn't find the prescriptions of the two people in line ahead of me, sending them away to return tomorrow. My blood pressure started rising. When it was finally my turn at the counter I waited as she slowly and fruitlessly searched for Roomies prescriptions. I was irritated.
I was informed that the pharmacist, who was busy checking out the person in line behind me, just needed a few minutes to finnish filling it. Grrr, I snapped back at the clerk reiterating that it had been over 45 minutes already and the prescriptions weren't even started yet.
I stepped back from the counter, crossed my arms, and shot some nasty looks at the pharmacist who was still checking people out at another register. The store music was pissing me off as I stood there staring at all those drugs behind the glass wall. Finally the pharmacist headed back to fill my prescriptions, or so I thought. She was so freaking old and moved so freaking slowly. Over an hour had passed since Roomie was assured a 30 minute wait when she dropped the prescriptions off. I was pissed.
All I can think about when I am at a pharmacy is how much I hate pharmacies. It's similar to how I hate insurance companies. They are these necessary evils. What really is the point of a pharmacist? They are highly paid pill counters, seriously, what is the point of that? and insurance companies, don't even get me started on freaking insurance companies. I hate them too.
So after waiting way too long, as the old hag filled other prescriptions and finally finished filling my scripts, the pathetic clerk thanked me for waiting so patiently. (Let me assure you that NO one could have mistaken my waiting with anything close to patient.) The clerk took my money then asked me to wait for a consult with the pharmacist. Um, yeah, I wasn't waiting any longer. I loudly, and rudely, stated thanks but no thanks, I would not be waiting any longer. Like magic, the pharmacist appeared. If only she could have moved that fast earlier.
I let her tell me about the medications, confirming her questions to me with the statement "whatever", as in, Her: "This is your antibiotic, you'll take this twice a day, okay?" Me: "Whatever". It was incredibly rude, but I couldn't help myself. When she was done, I looked straight at the overpaid pill counter and said, "If its going to take you 30 minutes then tell people it will be a 30 minute wait, but If its going to be a 90 minutes wait then tell people that it will be a 90 minute wait."
Then as if for good measure, because I hadn't been awful enough, I demanded the name of the store manager so that I could provide them with feedback about my visit. Grrrr.
And then when I got into my car, I felt bad. The poor clerk will probably cry when her shift is over tonight while the professional pill counter is thinking that she is too old to deal with this kind of crap and wishing that she'd saved better for retirement.
I was B. I hate that I get that way, but I do.
* ML and I live in a big house and rent out a few of our extra bedrooms. It's actually been a really awesome experience and we've met some really nice people. The fact that their rent pays our mortgage is pretty sweet too. It not a forever thing, but for now, it works.
** Foggy Whitesox has basically moved in with us. She is a sweet kitty, but can be a B herself. She's drawn blood from everyone in the house with her mean claws and sharp teeth. We should probably get her to the vet to be sure that she has her shots.
* * * *
In other news: I am super excited and feeling very positive about my baseline IVF ultrasound tomorrow morning :) I can barely believe that this day is finally here. The stomach butterflies are in full force :)

Know how you feel about pharmacies... what a nightmare wait :( Good luck for your scan tomorrow morning - I was so excited for mine :) It's quite a milestone to get started xoxo
Wow- I really don't like being lied to about how long something is going to take. I totally understand your frustration. The sad thing is- pharmacies are the last thing you want to deal with when you're sick. Poor roommate! Hope she feels better soon! Thinking about you today! So excited this is finally here!
Sending great vibes for your baseline! And sometimes, it's just right to be a b**** :)
I don't think its you, It's defiantly CVS. I hate them too. I think I've had that same experience with every CVS I've ever been in.
LOL...I love your response. I would have done the same thing!
Have my baseline tomorrow...Hope yours went well!
I feel ya. There are certain stores that just bring out the worst in me. EVERYTHING about them irritates me (which begs the question why I'd even shop there!)
But cut yourself some slack - you've got A LOT going on.
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