First things first...
I have one crazy sweet tooth these days. I just can't get enough yummy sweet things.
Riesen, YUMMY yum yum!
I called my IVF nurse early last week to see if there might be a reason I was feeling so exhausted. She wasn't sure but thought that it must be a side effect of the BCP or the Parlodel (that I am taking to lower my prolactin.)
Later that week a colleague asked me if I could possibly have mono. She could see just how tired I was feeling.
Then I got a comment on one of my posts encouraging me to get my thyroid checked. The super awesome blogger said: "the kind of fatigue you are describing, especially in connection with taking birth control pills, is a classic symptom of hypothyroidism, a cause of infertility, pregnancy loss, and elevated prolactin" She referenced a website with details about hypothyroidism. It seemed like a reasonable answer to the mystery, and one that could easily be treated. Besides, my mom has a long history of thyroid problems.
I emailed my Dr who immediately faxed an order to the lab. I was having my blood drawn less than an hour later.
We got the lab results back on Monday. They were normal. My thyroid was less than 2 and my prolactin down to 11 (from 28).
So I'm glad for the good news, but left wondering the cause of this mystery fatigue.
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We have our meds/injections Class tomorrow afternoon :)
I take my final BCP tonight!
5 days until I start my stim injections!
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Too bad you didn't find an answer but at least your thyroid is would suck to have another hurdle at this point! I hope that stopping the bcp gives you some energy!
Glad it's not your thyroid! That isn't fun!! Hope you figure it out soon.
I remember being ridiculously tired during the start of my IVF cycle, too. Then once I started stims, I could NOT sleep. You can't win. Maybe your body just knows that something big is coming, and it's helping you get plenty of rest to prepare for it!
how exciting! I've had the same issues (and even the chills -- I used to be very warm natured but as I've gotten older I am cold natured) and I've had my thyroid tested a few times. Each time, normal. My mom also has thyroid problems, she has hypothyroidism. So I know it can be hereditary, although she didn't ever learn of hers until she was in her 40's. I think her thryoid was normal before that.
So excited for your stims to start!
Sounds a bit strange but I agree to the previous commenter, maybe you need that rest now. Who knows what the body can take in.
I actually have been experiencing that kind of fatigue lately too, and my thyroid levels (thanks to my pal Synthroid) are pretty close to perfect. The fatigue seemed to start about a week or less into the BCPs, and I'm blaming them. Nothing else has really changed, so I can only imagine it is a wonky side effect of the pill.
I always find those kind of test results to be annoying. I mean, of course, it's GREAT that the test was normal. But there's usually a bit of a let down in that you're still searching for an answer. I hope that they figure out what's going on soon...or that it just magically goes away.
Glad it isn't your thyroid but sorry you are still left wondering what is going on. Hope this cycle works for you!
That fatigue is so puzzling. I'm sorry it's been dragging you down, dear woman.
Wow! You are starting the stims in 5 days. So exciting! I'm also excited that we are cycle sisters! YEAH! Someday babies coming soon...
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