All I want for Christmas this year is a baby (or two). I've been really good for a really, really long time.
Please Santa.

Someday a family. Someday a yard littered with toys. Someday the sweet pure love of a child. Someday the loving embrace of my husband with a little one tucked inside. Someday a Christmas Card with our family picture. Someday. My Someday is now.
My Foxy Family | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | Especially for Foxy Designed by Giggly Girl Designs
My exact Santa letter. :) Hopefully he'll deliver for all of us out here in the infertility community. <3
I hope Santa is good to you this year!
tomorrow is it right?? I'm praying really hard for you. This HAS to be it, it just has to!
Really hoping that Santa delivers!!!
Thanks for the encouraging words on my blog - I am hanging in there - and love your idea of a treat like a massage or manicure or something, I am going to have to work on that!
Hoping for beautiful Friday for you and your hubby. Come on Santa, there has to be something in that bag for both of us.
Good Luck! My fingers are crossed for you!
Santa will pull through, I just know it!!!!!!!
Fingers crossed that Santa delivers!!
Every thing crossed for you Foxy!
PLease Santa, please give Foxy her wish. She is more than good. She is an amazing, compassionate, wonderful woman. Please give her a baby or two for Christmas.
Ya Santa!!! Do you hear US... we want a baby!!!
I also have letters out to the Easter Bunny, St. Patty, and Cupid.... I will put in a good word and ask for back up for you too!
I hope from the bottom of my heart that you get what's on your list!!!
Oh and you are the winner of my giveaway! I loved your comment and it inpired me SO much... such as you do with every post or comment!
Thinking of you and I will email you about the details of getting the book.
((hugs)) and crossed fingers~
hoping upon hope that you hear great news today! i have a feeling you will.
Thinking about you today!
Hoping, hoping, hoping that you have good news today!!!
A Christmas Baby would be magical! Fingers crossed that you get good news!!
can i get in on this letter to santa? ;)
Totally reasonable request, you're giving him lots of notice ;)
Everything crossed for you!!!
Couldn't have asked any better myself.
Please Please Please God/Universe/ Santa/Mother Nature/Easter Bunny/ some good news for my friend today.
I hope Santa is good to you this year. Can't wait to hear the outcome! Gl!
Been thinking of you ... Praying for the best!
Can't wait to see some good news today and then can you send Santa my way please??!!
Been thinking of you all day. I hope you get great news.
I tried to leave you a comment this morning - I guess it got lost in the interwebs somewhere. I hope that by now you've discovered that Santa will be bringing you exactly what you asked and wished for. ((HUGS)) I'm thinking of you, and crossing my crossables.
I've been thinking about you today. I hope that Santa delivers you the present you want.
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