I still really wish that I didn't have to take the lead to create a support group, it would be so much easier if I could just show up and participate, but the nearest group is a two hour drive (w/o traffic). I've made the trip a few times, but it is just too far. And I need some local support, some local face-to-face support, from others who are on this journey.
RESOLVE sent me all the info about peer-led groups, and I got a local church to agree to offer us a meeting room for free. I felt a little weird telling the pastor that I had nothing to offer in return for the free space, but it is the truth. I sent a press release out to the local media, and made flyers that I sent the to only RE in the area. My mom offered to mail the flyer to all of the local GYN's.
March 17th will be the first meeting. It might also be the day of my Egg Retrieval.
I invited the lady who revealed to me last year that her middle school age son was conceived via IVF, I invited my mom, and I invited a gal whose husband works with mine who has struggled with unexplained infertility for years. Even if it is just a chance for a few of us to get together once a month to chat, I think it would be a success.

It doesn't really matter why I am so tired. I just need to figure out how I can deal with it, without losing my job.

I think it's exciting about the meeting. Good on you for setting it up!
I really hope you feel better and get some more energy quickly. Be kind to yourself
Wow, that's great initiative of you. Hope you get a group going for support, it's needed. Hope you feel better soon and get more energy. It's not fun being tired all the time.
Yay! Good luck! I am also starting a support group. I have had two meetings so far and no attendees but I'm thinking it might take 6 months or so to get the word out. I made fliers and hung them up at OBGYNs and counselors in town, but I'm trying to find other ways to advertise, too. I think I might start posting my flier on the Resolve facebook page, too.
Best of luck to you with the support group! As someone who wishes we had one locally, its people like you who give the rest of us those opportunities to have the support and education about this dang IF "lifestyle" we're forced into.
Hi, Foxy!
So good to hear from one of my cycle sistas--thanks for your comment! And March 17 is right around when my retrieval will be as well. Our hypothetical calendar has it on the 15th, but everything's still up in the air, as you can understand. So glad you're getting some local, in-person support. The brunch bunch we've started in our metropolis has been really nice. So good for you for making that happen.
Take good care,
lady pumpkin
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I think it's *awesome* that you're starting a support group. I went to one for a while, and found it amazingly helpful to spend time with women who were going through the same thing I was.
I hope you get your energy back soon! And best of luck with your IVF cycle - I hope your someday is right around the corner!! :)
(Sorry if this is a duplicate comment; my computer is being moody today.)
Hey good luck, you are doing a great thing. There will be someone out there just like you who really needs support and just wishes that there was a group already set up nearby and....bam there you go, you have provided it!!
Hope it goes well and of course we are all here supporting you through your ivf cycle xx
Good luck w/ the support group! I just joined my local Resolve group and it's wonderful. Kudos for taking the intiative!
I'm sorry you are so tired. I can't imagine what it will be like to have to work once all the meds and stress of IVF begins. I hope the disability stuff gets figured out..maybe you could just do half days??
I'm so proud of you for starting a Resolve support group! Let us know how it goes, that is something I definitely need to look into.
I am so excited my package is in the mail!!! I am going to start using them ASAP...I have restarted my workout regimin the last couple of weeks and am feeling less stressed as a result...I was thinking that adding a meditation factor to my daily life would help even more.
Have a good, relaxing week and weekend girl. HUGS!
I know I posted here once before about this, so apologies -- but -- the kind of fatigue you are describing, especially in connection with taking birth control pills, is a classic symptom of hypothyroidism, a cause of infertility, pregnancy loss, and elevated prolactin (a cause that can generally be easily treated, but that is far too often overlooked by trained medical professionals, in my experience -- and I'm not a trained medical professional, just a patient). Estrogen binds with T4, the hormone that the thyroid produces (and that regulates metabolism) so if your thyroid is down-but-not-fully-out, things that raise your estrogen levels (like BCPs, IVF injectables and, yes, pregnancy) can all push you from "marginal" to "not OK."
This site has a useful checklist of symptoms of hypothyroidism:
Please feel free to email me if you want more information.
My foxy lady, the stars aligned yesterday...
The evening before, as I was getting together our random collection of donated baby clothes to be washed, I thought, "Hmmm, I need a hat for leaving the hospital.." Then yesterday, I read your comments on my posts (and woman, you have AT LEAST as much fire!), walked downstairs, and checked the mail. And what did I find? A card from YOU!!! With the needed going home hat!
I got super weepy...I love you, woman. I do. Cricket will be wearing the outfit home that I wore home 33 years ago...with the addition of the bonnet - that is so special to me. Really. Thank you.
And go you for starting a Resolve group! We don't have one in our area either, which is why, I think, I started our little meet up...Good luck! And hang in there...the energy drain is a drag, but picture the outcome, and try to push through. What about intermittent FMLA leave? That's what I used through my IVF cycle while I was migraine heavy, puking non-stop ick.
Thank you, again...
I'm excited for you on many levels -- your cycle, plus the RESOLVE group. If I was close by, I'd come for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy ICLW week,
Happy ICWL! And just wanted to say how special you are that during this time of treatment you are thinking of others and setting up your Resolve meeting - that really takes some doing and I think you are wonderful for doing it.
Wishing you every luck and love for this coming cycle - and re the sleeping - remember the emotional kick-back there is doing this - don't under estimate it. It is huge - just do what you need to do
big love
Foxy, you are amazing. It takes so much more commitment to be the one to get things started. Good for you, for taking it on.
Hello and Happy ICLW! What a great idea. Good for you for taking the initiative to start a group, especially in the midst of egg retrieval.
Where are you? On the off chance that we are nearby, maybe I'll swing over to the group!
Good for you to try and create a support group. It can be difficult and frustrating (i started one for endo, years ago, but we never really ended up taking off). I know that Our local support group talked about becoming a resolve group, but with income levels in our area, the requirement that attendees be resolve members made them decide not to go that route.
Yikes on the fatigue, I hope that you start to snap out of it soon, or find a way to make it all work. I know I'm scared of how I'm going to cope with school, work, and all of the wacky hormones. Oh well, I can do anything I set my mind to.
That's so great that you decided to host a support group. Foxy, you are a serious shaker and mover! You make things happen. Sounds like March is going to be a big month for you. Excited for you!
Way to go. That is so awesome you took that brave step to host a group. I hope you have a good experience.
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