ML: Really?
Foxy: It is the second time she got pregnant with an IUD.
It took her a few weeks to be okay with it.
ML: Suzy has cute kids, why doesn't she just give it to us?
Foxy: Um, are you serious?
ML: Why not?
Foxy: Are you really ready to start taking about adoption?
ML: If IVF doesn't work, it is where we are headed, right?
Foxy: Um, yeah, well, I guess, I'm, umm, just not quite there yet.

Don't worry Foxy. I feel the same way, and I've actually always wanted to adopt...just after birthing a couple of kids. It isn't that I don't think I would love that child the same way - I'm sure I would - I'm just not ready to give up the dream of being pregnant, feeling a life grow inside me, bonding with that baby even before the world gets a chance at it...
totally with you. Kerrik I could have totally written your comment.
And it's great to know that there are so many out there who feel the same way. Often I try to place guilt on myself for wanting to experience pregnancy and birth. But reading things like this make me realize it's normal that I want this so badly.
Oh sweet Foxy!!!! Did u see Celine Dion on O yesterday? O was talking about "when would u have given up" and she answered "never"..or until a dr told her "no more"...and that is how u have to think about this..for me we were going to try like that..until we exhausted everyavenue. It is NOT time to give up or in yet.
Love u Fox xo
It's okay, Foxy. When/if you ever become ready, you'll know. It was the same way for me and my husband.
Sending hugs.
Hugs from me too. It must be hard to know when to give up on IVF. Especially when there are two of you and you have to make a joint decision.
Good luck.
I'm not there yet either... But its nice when our DH's are a step ahead of us ;)
I can see having the conversation about next steps, but not as a definite yet. Good to open the door, but good also that you let him know that it's not time yet. HUGS.
I agree with Kakunaa- and I'll add this: don't write this IVF off before it's started! I'm hoping for you!
I think it's great to start talking about this topic early. Give the idea time to settle, get your feelings and thoughts clear. But I also agree- don't give up on this cycle!!!
Jakobe has started talking about adoption as an option as well. I'm not ready for that t=yet, and he was so against it we never really discussed it at the beginning. ANyway - Don't give up, you never know what might happen this time.
Also - I haven't started my BCPs yet - I think that's about a week or so away. as soon as my next cycle starts.
I am totally there too, but I can't bring myself to take any action. Somehow starting the adoption process feels like giving up hope and I have so much hope for you guys! It's been a long road, but you are so close to getting some real help via IVF. It sounds like you guys are on the right track and don't need to worry about adoption just yet.
Interesting, I have wondered how many out there who does this parallel. Fertility treatments and adoption. Since it can take such a long time I mean.
I had a similar situation come up a couple of years ago, where thoughts of adoption seemed to come out of the blue. I certainly wasn't prepared for it. I don't think that thinking about adoption as an option means you are ready to fquit ttc. I think it's actually a healthy awareness of your options and that there's something beyond treatment and cycling.
Hmmmmm, serious talk at the Foxy & ML household. Some people need to see what are the plan Bs, Cs, and Ds. Others can only focus on plan A. Sounds like you have different styles. You will figure out what is comfortable for you two.
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