These are the reasons why I think I am pregnant...
- my boobs are sore/achy
- my nipples are really sore/hurty (this is not normal for me)
- my lower back and hips are a little achy
- i am extra thirsty and i can't drink enough to make my lips not dry
- i feel lightheaded/dizzy (I attribute this one to the estrogen)
- my pee smells different
- i've had just a few mild cramps and twinges
I am feeling good. Looking forward to these next few days of loving my body and my (imaginary?) pregnancy symptoms.
love to all,

I am loving reading all those symptoms...I truly hope they make for some HAPPY NEW tomorrow. Fingers firmly crossed and thinking good thoughts for you. xo
I'm on the edge of my seat waiting...hoping...for a BFP post!!
Those are awesome signs!!! Everything crossed for you. :)
Awesome, awesome signs!!! I can't wait to hear the news tomorrow!!!
Sounds like you are! Can't wait for Wednesday!
Ooh very exiting! I'm hoping for you!!
Fingers crossed this is it for you!!!
Yay! So glad you have symptoms- and if they're not normal - they're not normal, right?!
Hoping and praying for good news for you!
Oh my goodness! I can't wait until Wednesday! :)
Those are all GREAT symptoms!! Yay!
I hope your beta comes back great! Good luck!
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