No miracle for us this month.
So instead of a champagne toast, I’m having a mimosa.
Would you care to join me?
It is what it is, once again.
We are okay. Bummed, but alright.
The third time is a charm, right?

Someday a family. Someday a yard littered with toys. Someday the sweet pure love of a child. Someday the loving embrace of my husband with a little one tucked inside. Someday a Christmas Card with our family picture. Someday. My Someday is now.
My Foxy Family | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | Especially for Foxy Designed by Giggly Girl Designs
Drinking a beer right now my friend :(
Better luck next month
Yum, mimosas! Sorry to hear that this wasn't your month. It just doesn't get any easier, does it?
Aw, that sucks. I admire your positive outlook. Yes 3rd times a charm!
I'm so sorry to hear your news - and I would love to join you for a mimosa!
Thank you for the kind words on my blog as well. I wish there were easy answers (don't we all?) for this. We are going to talk tonight about what to do this cycle - but I think you are right that exhausting all options before moving on to a donor would most likely give us the most peace of mind in the decision.
Thanks again and I am so, so sorry to hear your news.
Sorry this wasn't the cycle but happy to have a mimosa with you!
((hugs)) I'm so sorry, though I'm glad you're doing alright. That's the part that matters.
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm in 2ww right now, so if I'll have some orange juice with sparkling water.
I am with you on that!
I am so sorry. I do hope that the third time is the charm for you!
I'm so sorry Foxy! I was so hoping to get on here to read good news from you- but yes, there's always next month and I'm praying the 3rd time is a charm for you!
Damn, I was really hoping this month was it for you. You're right though, 3rd time's the charm. Enjoy your mimosa.
So sorry Foxy :( Enjoy those mimosas, hopefully 3rd time's a charm for you *fx*
*hugs* 3rd time is def. the charm!
Sorry to hear that! Keeping my crossables crossed for next time and sending you heaps of sticky baby dust for the next cycle. Hang in there.
I'll drink to that! Mimosas sound great. AF made her arrival today and I'm bitchy as ever. oh joy.
This stinks. But I know you are good at picking yourself back up. It'll happen. ((hugs))
Mmmm I'll take a mimosa! I'm sorry that this was not THE month :( *hug*
I was totally hoping for you. Mimosas sound great. If you can hang in there I think next month is going to be THE month.
Meh, even if you're ok, it still sucks arse!
Here's hoping motherhood isn't too far away for you my lovely!
I'm sorry! I'm thinking of you and hoping it isn't too much longer.
Hi Foxy,
I secretly follow your blog and I'm so sorry about the news. Not to put a damper on things, but we went through 6 donor IUIs before moving on to IVF. It was all worth it because I am currently pregnant with twins!
I'm praying that #3 is the charm. Enjoy your deserve it.
So sorry :( Ill drink a glass of wine in your honor! And all good thoughts for #3!
Screw the mimosa, let's get together for tequila shots!
So sorry honey. You deserve this so much. You're an amazing person and will be a wonderful mother.
Thanks for always being there for me. I'm here if you need me!
:( So sorry sweetie. I will have an orange juice with you, my dear. 3rd time = charm.
I'm sorry, foxy. Sending you love and ::hugs::
Cheers!!! Soon Sissy... Soon;) XOXO
So sorry to here this cycle wasn't successful. Hoping 3rd time's the charm!
I shall have a mimosa with you, my friend.
I'm sorry this cycle was a bust. :(
I had a glass of wine in your honour this weekend, Foxy. I'm disappointed that this cycle didn't work out the way we had all hoped it would. I like the 3rd time's a charm approach. At my clinic, they always do 3 IUIs before regrouping and deciding what's next. So maybe it's worth giving it a shot with a third?
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