Lurking Welcome

I totally missed International Blog Delurking Week, but really like the idea that there is a special effort once a year to encourage silent readers to find their voice. I know that for a long time before I started this blog I read and drew strength from the stories of others without ever leaving a comment behind. It took me a long time to feel strong enough to find my own voice and to be able to join the conversation. The women whose stories I followed but never commented on may never know what they meant to me, but I will be forever grateful to them for allowing me to lurk on their sites. 
Starting this blog was a HUGE step for me in regaining a sense of control over this journey. It gave me a place to share my my thoughts and emotions. and then, when I started receiving comments from other women who understood me, well that was like the most amazing thing ever. I went from feeling so isolated and alone, to feeling like I'd found a place where I was implicitly understood. It was amazing. 

I do love comments. I love receiving them, and I also love giving them. I always try to follow the links back to the blogs of those who comment, but there are a few of you who don't have blog or a way to send you an email from your blogger profile. I love your comments, and would love a way to continue the comment conversation. For anyone who reads silently and isn't comfortable 'publicly' commenting, feel free to email me at

I guess what I really what to say is WELCOME LURKERS! All of you. Any of you. Anyone who finds comfort or strength from my story is welcome here, whether you comment or not.  

And finally, this post wouldn't be complete without 'replying' to a few specific commenters... 

Rebekah - Sorry about your recent negative :(  I really love your comments! Do you have a blog? Your blogger profile says that it is 'not available'... Or would you be comfortable sharing an email address so that I can reply directly to your comments? 

Anonymous - Thanks so much for your recent comment. It was the first anon comment that I've received, and the first time that I actually thought about the silent readers who might be following my story. Your story is pretty incredible. Congratulations on your Twins! 



Stefanie Wolfaardt said...

Love your blog! Found your blog through stirrup-queen

Rebekah said...

Foxy, I didn't realize you did not know which blog is mine - you comment on it! :) Its:
I do not have a public profile for privacy reasons, and I know it makes it difficult to connect comments to my story... But I haven't figured out a better way.
I will email you my email address.

Are you cycling this month? It was nice having a cycle buddy - even if it didn't work out for us.

Kir said...

here...and as always, love you a lot Foxy girl.

ColourYourWorld said...

Hey Foxy I am here! Sometimes quiet sometimes not :)

Stefanie Wolfaardt said...

Hi there,

I was wondering if you would be interested in the new post I added to my blog, please stop by and have a look

Thanks - Stefanie over at

tiffany.parcher said... of your many silent readers gaining strength through your voice. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This is great. I also missed this one but think it's really good to encourage others to delurke. It's so true that reading/sharing a story is effective on not feeling alone and isolated.

JJ said...

Im here :) Glad we've connected!


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