Not so much because it was our plan, but because we knew that the question wouldn't go away until we answered it, we started telling people - "5 years. We'll start our family in 2009." It was awesome. We pulled it off with such confidence that everyone backed off. Five years felt like a ton of time.
We've never used real birth control, because the pill always made me feel sick (and for whatever reason the idea of controlling my hormones like that just kind of freaked me out.) We used condoms for a long time, then sometime in 2005 or 2006 switched to the "pull and pray" method (aka withdrawal.) It worked for us, and while we weren't planning to get pregnant, I think that I was ready, and we both knew that it was a possibility. This method basically put ML in control of determining when the pull the trigger, so to speak.
After a couple of, what I thought at the time were going to be fateful, moments in 2007, we abandoned any method of prevention in January of 2008. I was grateful that we'd 'bought' ourselves this time to privately share the love and excitement. Everyone assumed that we were waiting until 2009 to start trying. I assumed that we would be welcoming a new addition to our family in 2009.
2009 was supposed to be such a great year.
Instead, 2009 started us on our infertility journey. I started a challenging new job. ML remained out of work watching the job market collapse (after losing his job in Nov 2008). We got ML's Azoospermia diagnosis in July, in September my bestie gave birth to little one, then a biopsy showed that there was no sperm production in October, and over Thanksgiving our beloved dog got sick and after a week in the Veterinary ICU we had to say goodbye. It was like we had become a punching bag and life just kept hitting us. I actually walked around holding my breath and physically bracing myself for the next hit.
I counted the hours until 2009 was behind us.
All I asked of 2010 was that the hits stopped coming at us. I didn't expect much. I was in shock from the trauma of 2009 and just needed a break. And all things considered, 2010 offered me just what I needed. I reorganized my support team so that it provided me the strength that I needed. I gained so many new coping skills, and have slowly regained control over my life.
The end of 2010 has brought work for ML (with a few additional projects lining up for 2011) and the chance for us to finally begin actually trying to start our family. I really do have so much to be grateful for.
We have been able to afford all of the treatment costs we've incurred this year. Which is amazing really since ML was out of work for so long, but somehow we've done it without eating into our savings. Don't get me wrong, it does make me a little sick to see that 25% of our gross income has been spent on infertility treatment, but the stronger feeling is of gratitude. I am beyond grateful that our choices have not been driven by financial restrictions.

I have a newfound sense of self. A confidence that I am stronger than I ever gave myself credit for being. This journey is no longer happening to me, it is mine, it is who I am. And while I may not be able to control the things that happen, I can control the way that I frame them.
This is my story to write.
Happy New Year.

Thanks for the kind words on my blog - it is bitter sweet that my sister volunteered her eggs. Having few choices but a donor is a difficult pill to swallow - and sometimes it still feels like it is stuck!
I do have my beta tomorrow, and I have decided not to test before then. I have no HPT's in the house, which makes it easy to resist. I don't have a lot of hope for this cycle, I'm not sure why. The time I did get pregnant, I had implantation bleeding - and while I know that it may not happen every time I get pregnant, the lack of it makes me feel like this just isn't it. But, I hope I am wrong.
Have you decided when you will test? I hope you get the result you have been looking for!
The IF journey definitely makes us stronger - I like that you said it isn't happening to you, it is yours. I feel the same way.
Best of luck with your results this week!
Hi Foxy, I came across your blog the other day and I hope that you dont mind me following. You sound very balanced in your thoughts about IF which is a view that can take a while to reach! I wish you all the luck in the world for a little one to join you very soon.Claire xx
This reminds me of what I wrote the other day, though better :) I love coming here...I always leave feeling...cleansed and peaceful. Thank you for becoming part of my life.
What amazing resilience on the part of both of you as individuals, and also in terms of you as a couple. To bit hit repeatedly by those blows and make your way through that *together* is amazing. I say that bodes very well for whatever lies ahead of you, including becoming parents soon. My hopes for you in 2011 are high, Foxy. I feel like there is good news on the way.
This is a great new year post! I feel like I learned a lot about you :) Wishing you a wonderful 2011!
2009 was not your year..2010 showed promise...2011 sounds like it is full of hope! I sincerely hope so!
LS x
Happy 2011!! Wishing you great things to come.
I loved the way you looked back at your journey so far. It inspires me....
I hope 2011 makes up for all the hits 2009 gave you.
(Sorry so delayed)
This is a great year end post.
Also, we got our Azoo diagnosis in July 09 too. Bad month/year for sperm huh?
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