Ironically, it was an article about gender discrimination in the individual insurance market, specifically the exclusion of maternity coverage from most plans. In California, we are celebrating the end of gender discrimination pricing thanks to a new law that went into effect this month. National health care reform will provide the same protection and also require the inclusion of maternity coverage on all insurance plans throughout the county in 2014.
Before we even started trying to conceive, I started researching local OB's, thinking that I would find one who I could start building a relationship with via my annuals. It turned out that my individual insurance plan didn't cover any OB's in my county. I figured that I could just get a different plan, only to discover that most plans excluded maternity coverage. It was apparently a loophole exploited by the individual market. The more questions I asked, the more bizarre the answers got. (There was a state program that would cover maternity costs once I was pregnant, but only if ML and I got divorced...)
I really couldn't understand how it was possible that being a woman could be such an explicit liability.
I ended up getting connected with a lobbyist who worked with the state Commission on the Status of Women and the ACOG. She connected me with a legislator who was sponsoring legislation to close the loophole. I testified on two different occasions to the Assembly Health Committee. This is now the fifth(?) article that I've been quoted in. The issue needed a face and a personal story and essentially adopted me as their human interest story.
It is pretty incredible that this law has passed in California. It took the voices of many, and I am proud that my voice was one of them.
It is also ironic that this is part of my story. I just hope that someday I will have the confidence and strength to add my voice to the infertility awareness and insurance coverage movement.
Until then, I'm on the front page of our local newspaper!!!

you are amazing! thank you for sharing this story, and I am so proud of you!
BTW...I still have my mistletoe up : )
Very cool! It is wonderful that you helped to get this changed! I, too have thought about trying to do something about the exclusion of infertility benefits from insurance. I know there are several states who mandate it - wish I lived in one of those! Any coverage would be welcome! I sure didn't choose to have this medical diagnosis and think it should be covered by my insurance (in SOME way!)
So we broke down and got the puppy - she is adorable, of course - aren't all puppies? I loved your comment about living vicariously through your dog if you decide to breed her! I figure Gracie is our consolation prize for not being able to have kids (without a donor and help anyway!)
Congrats again friend!
#1 - What a wonderful & important article. Thanks for representing!
#2 - How cute are YOU?!
#3 - Love where you live. We visited there this past summer & it was awesome!
Hope you are well!
Go you! And holy moly, what an amazing crusade! I remember coming up against that issue a few years ago when we were first TTC out there.
It's so great to get a face with the name :) You guys are gorgeous!!!!!
How wonderful that the ban is now in place and what a great thing to have to show your child one day :)
That's fantastic! Good for you for doing something about it. We have gender rating in my state too -- I was uninsured for a long time (until I got my current job) because I couldn't afford the premiums.
It's really inspiring that you were part of getting the law changed...but how despicable is it that (in the article) the insurers are trying to blame women for this year's rate hike?
ooh it is SOOOO the perect opportunity to stick it to them on the infertilty coverage!!! ( Oh and that link isn't taking me to your article,just the front page... how do I find it?)
okay i think I found it. :)
Way to go!! Very nicely done!
Good for you!
as always, you're happy that this is a PERSONAL success for you ya girl!
You are amazing!
WOW! I sure hope you are proud of yourself, Foxy. That's so great that you got involved in setting straight this crooked loophole. I can't believe how ridiculous that was, and how awesome it is that you've been taking a stand to change it. I am in awe!
And, wow! What a great photo of you and your beloved ML. All sunkissed and happy. I loved seeing your warm smile.
You two look so cute! It was great to see you in the paper. Good for you for calling attention to a huge problem that affects so many people.
Front page! Very cool :) Way to go for speaking up!
Bragging IS cool! It is so neat to put a face with you!! :) Thank you for sharing. I was trying to tell my hubs about what you told me, and I couldn't remember the details- so this will be cool to show him. (BTW- he is always asking about you two. He sends a lot of good thoughts for you guys, fyi)
SUPER cute picture of you two! LOVE IT!
that is awesome - congrats and thanks for lending your voice to an important topic. more of us need to step and push for change.
and that picture of you guys - super cute!
great post, I had no idea it was this blatent. thanks!!
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