I also have a small pile of books that I'd like to pass along to some of my bloggy friends. I'm thinking that maybe this could become an informal book exchange of sorts. Not a one-to one exchange, just a chance for me to post the books I have to share and others to do the same, and somehow all the books end up with good new homes.
So if you want to participate, just leave a comment with a link to your "Book Exchange" blog post. I'll update this post to list everyone who is participating with links to your "virtual bookshelf". In your "Book Exchange" blog post be sure to include a link back to this post, a list of the books you have for exchange, and your email address so that interested parties can send you their mailing information. The books on my list are mostly infertility related, but this exchange is not limited to IF books.
Introducing the most awesome 2011 Book Exchange participants:
1. Foxy
2. YOU!!!
And now, Here is my Virtual Bookshelf...
What To Do When you Can't Get Pregnant
(Potter and Hanin c2005)
Rated almost 5 stars with 50 reviews on Amazon.
This is a great book for someone who is just beginning the process and needs a general overview of what might lie ahead of them. It has lots of good information, but is a few years old now.
(Sterling and Best-Boss c2009)
Rated 5 stars with 4 reviews on Amazon
I was actually a little disappointed with this book. I was expecting more details about the reasonable costs of procedures, how to navigate the billing and insurance codes, and how to negotiate discounts with our clinic. It has much more general information about budgeting in general.
Overcoming Male Infertility
(Schover and Thomas c2000)
Rated nearly 5 stars with 9 reviews on Amazon
This was one of the first books that I bought when we got out azoos diagnosis. It has some good general information, and helped me form some of our initial questions. It is another good book for someone just starting on the journey of testing.
So if you'd like one of my books, send me an email with your mailing address to foxypopcorn@gmail.com. And thanks for helping me finnish this clean-put process!

What a great idea! :-)
I have just inherited books so for the moment am not cleaning out, but I remember Amber, don't remember what blog, was interested. I have her email address! I will let her know :)
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