(Unfortunately I can't remember whose blog I found it on originally, because I would love to give credit where it is due. If you are reading this, please leave a comment and thank you for sharing this!)
It is a little commercial for a bank that tells the story of a couple trying to conceive. In such a short little clip they do a great job of touching on the emotions of this journey.
On the homefront, ML and I are feeling pretty discouraged after this last failed IUI. On the one hand we realize that we've only had two months of 'trying', but on the other hand if feels like the financial and emotional bleeding just needs to stop already. We met with RE on Thursday to talk about our options, and, well, I need a little time to process everything, but I think that we might be taking a detour from the plan.
I'll be thinking and writing and drinking mimosas today, so another post will be coming soon.

Hey Foxy,
Wish I could sit next you and put an arm around you. I know how hard it is. I'm always here if you need me. Not sure about the class for now but I appreciate you always being a champion of it.
Thanks for sharing the commercial, too - very well done.
Big bear hugs,
There are many different paths to pregnancy and parenthood, take the time to figure out which one is right for you. We did 2 IUI cycles before deciding we wanted to move on to IVF. The treatments and stress were such a burden for us, we really wanted to pursue the treatment that had the best chance of being successful.
After 1 IVF (miscarriage), we realized that while the odds were very high that I'd eventually have a successful pregnancy, the stress of treatments had taken us hostage and consumed our entire lives. At that point, we chose to move on to adoption.
Whatever path you decide to, trust your gut and don't let anyone else tell you what is best for you & your husband.
Thanks for sharing the ad - I am pleasantly surprised. Although, I wish it didn't stick to IVF = triplets though.
I hope you find peace in whatever decisions you take.
I enjoyed the ad too, although I agree with Keya that it's perpetuating the IVF = multiples storyline!
My DH and I did two IUIs (donor sperm) and are moving on to IVF next month. We took a month off after our last unsuccessful IUI to relax, think, and talk with our doctors. That month was invaluable in deciding what was right for us (there is no one right answer! only what is right for you). Like you said, the emotional toll of the two failed IUIs was surprisingly heavy. I knew it could take several tries, but did not realize just how difficult each unsuccessful "try" would be on my spirit.
I am starting to see a therapist who specializes in infertility, I'm hoping she will give me some guidance on how to cope without becoming the crazy, fertility-obsessed person I have been for the past few months. Thinking good thoughts for whatever you decide is right for you.
I just stopped by after looking at your profile from inspire. Love the link! I think that its great that there are commercials tha touch on how devistating it can be.
Thanks for sharing!
Foxy,so nice to "meet" you :) Thank you for the support. It's helpful to have this virtual community. IF is a lonely process as well you know, so it's good to know we're really not so alone. Best of luck and I look forward to rooting for you along the way.
Wow. The ad brought me to tears... but I'm kinda emotional right now anyway. Thanks for commenting! I forgot about grilled cheese sandwiches! Yummm!
Egghunt had posted the bank add a few months ago, but I'm glad to revisit it on your blog. It does pull at all the heart strings, doesn't it.
What I don't like is the association between IVF and triplets.
Wow, it made me cry. I don't like the triplets part because it cements the stereotype of IVF and multiple births. But what really matters is that this piece gets to so much with so little time, it's great. thanks for sharing!
That commercial is really moving.
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