As far as symptoms go, I attribute them all to progesterone and estrogen that I am taking. I've had a couple hot flashes that wake me up in the middle of the night. Just today I started getting that pre-nausea feeling. I was so tired this afternoon that I snuck away from the family and took a little nap-which was SO nice. My boobies are not sore, but they are feeling a little bit achy, in a hard to describe kind of way. I must be fighting a cold too because I had a tickle in my throat yesterday and a full blown sore throat all day today. Bleghhh.
We are visiting ML's sister and her family for the holidays. She has a two year old little girl and a four year old little boy. They have SO MUCH energy! Christmas morning was so much fun, and I especially loved watching the kids play with the presents that I made for them. I'll have to post some pictures because I am so proud of these gifts I made.
I haven't had much to say, or much time to write this past week. I have been reading blogs though, and found a few new ones that I've been reading thru.
-The Life of Ashley - Ashley is on the new season of 16 and pregnant. She made the choice to adopt her daughter to her aunt and uncle. It was an episode that captivated me, just as Tyler and Caitlyn's did last season. She documented her journey on her blog, and I am finding it to be an insightful and interesting read.
-Amy just announced her new blog on the Resolve forum. I hope that she find the same kind of support that I have from this blog community. If you have a minute stop by and welcome her. She and I are both in our 2ww of our second IUI's.
Merry Christmas! I hope that you all had a nice day with family and friends.

Hey Foxy,
Just wanted to send you a hug over the holidays and wish you all the best with this cycle and in the coming year!
New layout???
Anywho! I am crossing my fingers for a BFP for the new year! HUGS!
Good luck with this cycle! Maybe your symptoms are from something besides the hormones you're taking :)
I'm 5dp iui. No symptoms except a tiny bit of cramping and more, um, fluids than normal (but that I attribute to the iui procedure).
Wishing you loads of luck, Foxy!
Thanks for your nice comments on my blog. Wishing you all the best and keep laughing! It will help keep you sane :)
Visited Amy's blog thanks to you :) Fingers crossed that the symptoms are here for a reason.
Hi! Thanks for the comments on my blog - I think I have the video moved so it isn't covering anything, thanks for pointing that out! It is exciting we are just a day apart in our 2ww - hopefully this will be it for both of us! It has been very difficult dealing with the POF diagnosis and with dealing with the varied emotions with making a decision to go ahead and pursue donor eggs. It is nice to know that someone knows how it feels to have to make a choice to use a donor (sperm or egg) - so thank you for your understanding!
Fingers crossed for both of us!
Hello! Just stopping in to say my thoughts/blessings/hopes are with you. To see that you're still so positive and strong throughout everything...well it's not like I thought you would have changed, but it's just so good to see. :) Best of luck! I'm off to catch up on the posts I've missed now...
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