She tells me that she knows that god has a child for us and that she prays everyday that he will bring that child to us. I tell her thank you for thinking about us, her support means a lot to us.
I know that her intentions are good, and that it is so hard for her to see us in pain, and that she would do anything ANYTHING to help.
Yesterday she sent ML an email about the Children of Medjugore. Among other things it said, “Rare are the couples without children who do not conceive a child after they climb Mount Krizevac TOGETHER and ask for a child TOGETHER on their knees at the foot of the Cross!” She wants to send us on a pilgrimage to Bosnia to the little town of Medjugore so that we can climb Mount Krizevac. It makes it even sadder that she is in no position to finance such a trip, yet begged ML to let her send us.
ML was so sweet to her on the phone. Rather than getting defensive and upset he just thanked her for caring about us so much and acknowledged that this was hard for her too.
I told him that all things considered, she really is an awesome mother. She loves us with her whole heart is trying her best to be supportive. I feel really lucky to have her as my mother-in-law.
* * * * *
I am 4 dpo. Still feeling pretty good.
Super aware of every twinge in my belly. I am feeling a little crampy. I got crazy irritated at a couple meetings yesterday morning. Then got so tired yesterday afternoon that I had to come home to lay down. I didn't sleep very well last night, woke up really early, and am guessing that I'll be exhausted halfway thru the day again. I also think that I am losing more hair than normal. It may be all in my head, but I am wondering if these might be some side effects from the supplemental progesterone suppositories.
Regardless of the cause, I am just listening closely to my body, trying not to judge any of these "symptoms", and giving myself permission to take care of myself.
* * * * *
Ohhhhh - awesome news - The School Bond passed!
I am so proud of the role I played on the campaign and really believe that my participation was a critical part of its passage. It feels really good to know that I am doing good things for my community.

The progesterone will totally play with your head. Still, take it easy and listen to your body, okay?
And your MIL sounds dear, and well-intentioned. It's hard to comprehend that amount of belief, but she sounds so sweet.
your MIL definitely has good intentions. It's so hard for parents of infertiles, knowing that this is one thing that they can really do nothing about. Parents always want to fix things. They mend our boo-boos when we are little, but this is one boo-boo that they can't mend.
Your MIL is sweet- mine is very similar. I just had to giggle at the idea of having to climb up a mountain- how much more symbolic does it get huh?
Hopefully it will be a moot point as I really hope this cycle works for you guys!
YAY on the school bond! That is exciting!
My mom is the same way - she intends to be encouraging when she tells me that she "knows" God has a child for us. But what if He doesn't? She just doesn't leave any room for what I feel is reality. Its nice to have a cheerleader, but sometimes its more than I can handle.
I remember listening to a piece about Medjugore on the radio once. Its a very popular pilgrimage site, and right in the the middle of the tug of war between Bosnia/Herzegov and Croatia.
I like to believe that wherever you are, God is always willing to listen. Its wonderful that your MIL is so caring. Tell her that you can use all the prayers right now! That's what I usually tell my family - pray for me.
Hope your tww rushes by!
Wow. Wish I had a mother in law that supportive. Instead mine says things like "maybe God doesn't want you to have a baby". Like that's faith-instilling, huh?
I love that you are able to take the positive in what your MIL is saying and ignore the parts that don't work for you. Go Foxy!
Also, I wanted to wish you the best of luck with your cycle. Will you POAS or wait for the beta?
If only it was as simple as hiking, I'd be raising a small city's worth of kids by now. Sigh. She sounds so well meaning. I love how you and ML both recognize it and respond to her in kind, instead of wasting your energy being irritated. You are both obviously awesome.
Congrats on the school bond passing. And Congrats for being in the 2WW. Can't wait for the 16th. You'll have your beta and we'll know about whether we get the green light with our donor. Big day!!
That is very sweet of your MIL--and very patient of your hubby.
Thinking great things for your 2ww!
seriously is your MIL related to mine??? LOL
Wow, It was almost like I was reading about my is VERY SWEET of her to do it and offer. She must love you much.
crossing my fingers for you, while progesterone can totally play with you, I was always told that cramping is a good thing. Let's SUPER DUPER HOPE SO :)
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