We watched Pump Up the Volume tonight. What a flashback! The music really took me back. Right back to middle school. I loved that movie back in the day. Actually, I loved Christian Slater. Oh my gawd was he Hawt! It is crazy to think about how different things were in 1990 when that movies came out, only two decades ago.
Pirate Radio Station then. Blog now.
The first time I used the internet was my freshman year of college in 1996. Looking back I have no idea how I made it thru k-12 schooling without it. I really can't imagine how it would be possible to live without it now. Among other things, the internet has given me this blog, it has given me you. I suppose Mel could have figured out how to host her own pirate radio station for the ALI community, and I can only hope that we all would have found it. This journey would have been different without you, thats for sure! I am SO grateful for the internet tonight!
My favorite thing about vacation is hanging out with ML. I love spending the whole day with him, even if it is just hanging out at home. I just love being around him. I love being able to reach out and touch him, or give him a little kiss, or even just lock eyes with him. When I am with him, life seems just about as perfect as I could want. I don't know what I did to deserve such a wonderful man as my partner. I am am grateful for him, and grateful for this long weekend that I get to spend with him.
Thanksgiving was really nice. We celebrated with family at my moms house. It was so great to spend the day with my sisters and their husbands. We all live nearby, but don't all get together as often as I would like. Everyone was in a good mood, the food was delicious, I supplied the mimosas, and we had a really enjoyable afternoon.
Thanksgiving was always my favorite holiday, but things changed with the passing of my grandpa, and then my parents divorce, and now my sisters responsibilities to their husbands families. I always loved having all of the people that I loved in the same place for a whole day. I loved having nothing to do expect be together. Growing up my grandparents hosted the meal at their big family home. They had a huge backyard that my cousins and I played in while my grandma and aunts buzzed around the kitchen. Grandpa and my uncles watched football. It was the perfect day. Every year, Thanksgiving was basically the same. We grew, but the day was predictable and perfect, every year. Things have changed, but yesterday was a perfect day.
My cysts are hanging out still. I can feel them with a little twinge every now and then. I want them to go away already, so that maybe we could somehow magically make the schedule work for December. But in reality that is unlikely to happen. and would mess up our Christmas plans that we made after the month was canceled. I am doing my best to look at the silver linings, and think I'm doing an alright job. The mimosas are helping, but will have to stop when I have to go back to work on Monday. I am content (content isn't the right word)... I am at peace, for the moment, with the fact that much of this is out of my control right now.
I smashed my finger in the washing machine this afternoon. It hurt so much. No blood, but so much pain. ML jumped to my rescue with a painkiller and some ice. He jokingly expressed concern about my ability to handle childbirth someday. I'm glad that we can laugh about jokes like that. Progress.
I am making a quilt for my boss for Christmas. I am so impressed with my quilt-making abilities! This will be my second quilt. I kept the first one for ML and I. It it a lap quilt that is so pretty and colorful and sits on the back of our couch, cheering up the whole living room. I spent all evening tying it off and securing the trim. She is going to LOVE it. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful woman to work with, and this feels like the perfect way to show my appreciation.
I love ICLW. I've been following the breadcrumbs of comment left for me back to the most interesting women. Thank you all for visiting me, and for leaving such nice words behind for me. I wish I could thank each one of you with a mimosa!

PS: Foggy Whitesox is back. I'll write more about that situation soon. :)
This is such a lovely post! I'm glad that you had a good Thanksgiving. The internet really is something to be grateful for, especially since it has allowed us to all 'find' each other for support. I wanna see pictures of your quilts!
I love random posts :) OMG, Pump Up the Volume. I actually had the hots for the girl, Samantha Mathis. LOL. But yes, I, too remember that first use of the internet back in the mid-90's. What a long way we've come. I can totally see Mel doing a pirate radio show, LOL.
Yum, mimosas are wonderful! I love your story of Thanksgiving as you were growing up, that sounds like a movie!
Hi! I found you through ICLW. I hope that when you go back to the doctor your cysts are all gone!
Very nice writing, but what I have to comment on is Pump Up the Volume -- I also loved that movie and Christian Slater! I never thought about how a pirate radio station relates to blogging, but it's true. And, people used to say that I looked like Samantha Mathis, which I thought was way cool!
Happy ICWL. You are right - Thankgiving is always predictible, isn't it? Same food, same people. And I think that is what makes it delightful. Life is unpredictable; Thanksgiving is not.
I totally remember that movie!
Sounds like you had a pretty perfect time with your family over Thanksgiving....glad you were able to enjoy it!
Catching up on ICLW
I remember the first time I used the internet, too. 1994 in college - it was incredible! The internet helped me get a husband and is helping me stay sane now and connect with others. Definitely something to be thankful for.
So sorry you're dealing with cysts. It's terrible dealing with the pain and delay. They'd better clear up soon!
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