Today is the beginning of a new chapter of our journey.
After my dreams were shattered with the initial Azoospermia diagnosis, it took me a long time to see beyond the day to day struggle and envision that there is in fact a Someday family waiting for us at the end of this journey. I was so caught up with worry and anticipation of the next test, the next dr appt, the next decision facing us. It was so hard to put the details in perspective and see that they were all little steps that got us closer to our dreams. Refocusing on that dream made it so much easier to navigate the path. But it also took away any sense that my Someday was anytime soon. Until today.
Today is the first day
of the first cycle
where we will have a chance to get pregnant.
We met with the new RE this morning, the local one. He reviewed everything and gave us the green light to do a donor IUI cycle this month, starting with this cycle!
(This is what I wanted, but on some level I was really expecting that there would be some reason why we had to wait again.)
We got lunch. We came home. We chose a donor. We sent our new account paperwork to the cryobank. My cycle started this afternoon, just as expected. I called and made a Friday appointment for my initial ultrasound and meds.
It is happening. It really is. I almost can't believe it.

Oh the moment when you realize for sure that you ahve moved beyond testing and wondering into actually doing is SO exciting! I'm actually giddy for you! :)
Foxy I'm so excited for you! I know this isn't the way you imagined it would happen, but I know it must feel so positive to be actually taking a step forward instead of in circles. Yay!!
That is great news. Good Luck Foxy!
WOOHOOOOO!!!! I'm so excited to hear this GREAT news, Foxy! WOW! You have finally left the waiting place and now you are walking the corridors towards motherhood. Keep walking. The right door is just beyond the corner and your baby is waiting for you there.
I'm beaming with joy for your right now, Foxy.
Oh I am so excited for you. I am wishing you nothing but good news from here on out.
woohoo!!! This was a thrilling post to read! So glad I found you before this NEW journey has begun!
I am wishing you all the best! Moving to this point is hard, but in the end it will be worth it. I can not imagine having any other child as my child. He is my husband's son and he couldn't imagine any other child in his place.
There is so much I want to say...Just know I'm sending you lots of love and good thoughts this month!
Wow! So exciting! I can't wait to hear the good news that you're pregnant soon! ;)
So exciting! Hope it works on the 1st try!!!
Yeeha! Isn't it amazing how easy it ends up being choosing a donor? For me it was easier than actually choosing a meal off a menu. And this is the guy who is our child's biological father. LOL. I'm so excited for you!!!!
Yay!!! I hope your someday comes very very soon!!!
WOOOO HOOOOOOO! That is awesome! What meds are you going to be taking? That is so exciting! I so hope this works for you. What company did you use?
OMG Im late getting here,but in spirit...I am always RIGHT HERE!!!!!!! Today is your initial u/s and meds...hope it is going SOOOO Well.
Love ya!
I'm so happy for you. It also speaks volumes of your character that after what you have been through, you are able to have hope and to focus on the journey ahead, rather than what you are moving past.
I love this post. It is so full of hope. Yay for your FIRST TRY!
so exciting! best wishes on your first cycle. i'll be hoping and praying for you. happy iclw (#31)
Thinking of you and hoping things go smoothly!
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