It was a pretty random message to get from someone I haven't seen or talked to in over a decade.
I am going to take it as a good omen that my Someday Twins are on the horizon :)
I was brave in my reply. Offered to help put the word out, but also said "It is kind of funny that you ask though, since I am hoping that we will be lucky enough to find ourselves with "Someday Twins" someday soon. (I'll take this as a good sign that our time will come sooner rather than later...)"

I love omens! Take it as a good sign :-) I have had several people tell me recently that they have dreamt I was pregnant so I'm taking their dreams as a good omen for me too!
Good omens are great! Hourray for someday twins.
I'm behind on posting and comments, but thanks for the comment and you know - if you have questions or anything let me know! I hope someday twins are in your very near future!
You took that a lot better than I would have! Good for you.
I hope it means something very good soon!
Yay! Good omens! :)
MY hope is that you DO.....Need it very very soon!
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