Oh my goodness
I took my clomid (100mg) on cycle days 3-7. I didn't notice any side effects, except for some wonderful excitiement :)
We went in for my first monitering appoitnment this morning. Everything looked good. Maybe a little TOO good!
We have FIVE folicles. Yep, FIVE beautiful round folicles with FIVE perfect little eggs. Three of them are ready to go, and the other two are right on the cusp of being ready.
The Doctor explained that he takes the risk of multiples very seriously and that he advises patients to cancel the cycle anytime there are more than three potential folicles. ML and I exchanged looks. I knew what he was thinking before he even opened his mouth. I love that man so much.
ML asks, "So are you advising us to cancel, or are you telling us that we have to cancel? We've been waiting a long time for this." I am so glad that he talks at these appointments, since I can barely open my mouth. I love him so much.
The Doctor replies that it is our decision, and again reviews the risks of multiples, and the process of selective reduction. We exchange looks again. ML asks if we can have a minute to talk privately. Oh my god do I love him.
The Doctor leaves the room, and I grab ML's hand. We decide to proceed. We agree to consider selective reduction to prevent high order multiples. We are ready for whatever comes next. I decide that only three of the eggs will release, so it won't be an issue. I adore ML more than words can describe.
The Doctor comes back into the room. We tell him our decision. He says alrighty then. We are ready to rawk and roll!
He gives me the trigger shot and an appointment to return on Saturday and Sunday morning for back to back IUI. A blood test is schedueld for November 16th!
I am overwhelmed with excitement and joy, and love - so much love, as we check out and pay our bill. I look at ML and he is more handsome than ever before. He is so strong and loving and wonderful. We walk outside and embrace. I could stand right there in his arms forever.
We take a few beep breaths together.
We can do this.
We are doing this.

Woohoo! Way to take the plunge! It will be okay :) HUGS! Let us know how it goes. OMG I just want to reach over and give you a great big hug!
Rock on girl!! This is your time, it will work out the way it's supposed to.
What amazing news! I would also have chosen to continue...good for you!
How very exciting! I have everything crossed for you.
What GREAT luck!!!!!! I'm glad clomid works for for somebody, I really hope this is your big month!!!!
this is wonderful news! i am crossing everything for you :)
Awesome! I'm so excited for you guys!
That's great news! Sounds like ML is a great guy! Good luck today and tomorrow!!
that's great - good luck!
YEAAHHHHHHH five follies!! SO SO happy for you, and so happy you did not have too many clomid side effects!!!
Hi there fellow "someday sister!" :-) Five follies is so awesome! Hoping there's a super follie or two in there! And way to go ML...he sounds absolutely awesome! Your someday is soon, girlie, I just know it! :-)
Wishing you, your hubby and the 5 follicles a lot of good vibes! Also, a special thank you to you yet again for making this last infertility e-class happen. Your post is what made me do it again and it was totally worth it. You are amazing!
Lily - The Infertile Mind
So very exciting!! Fingers crossed and wishing you best of luck for this cycle!!
oh wow what great news!!! And it's Monday so IUI's are done. Yay! Hope it all went swimmingly
Wow, I swear I felt every single emotion with you..what a gorgeous post about a beautiful decision, a moment in time that you can look back on and say "We decided"....
WOW....it's happening...and I'm wishing you every good thing I can send to you....hugs, love, baby dust, magic....
AHHHH! I wish you update on twitter b/c I check that more frequesntly that my blogroll!! This is so freaking exciting!
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