I just wanted to quickly welcome StarFishKittyDreams to this wonderful blogging community! She just stared her own blog
Waiting for Baby and is stuck that difficult waiting place. Her journey started with a positive pregnancy test in early 2008 that ended in a miscarriage, another positive pregnancy test in 2009 that ended in a miscarriage, and now a positive pregnancy test but an ultrasound that is showing growing yet empty gestational sac.
From the moment I first met StarFishKittyDreams I appreciated her welcoming spirit and her positive outlook on the future. She is a beautiful soul and I am so happy to introduce her to my other blogging friends. Please drop by her little corner of this interweb and let her know that she is not alone on this journey.
Foxy - you are becoming quite the little force of good out in the infertile world. I keep seeing you pop up here and there and I always smile when that happens.
Thanks again for all you do!
Lily - The Infertile Mind
Thank you for sharing your friends blog. I will be sure to stop by and say hello.
Going to go stop by now :)
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