So, yeah, SA is scheduled for next Wednesday. One week from today. It's been taking up more and more space in my brain, but I can't quite figure out what I think or feel. The only thing I know is that I want to line up all of my support systems so that I can experience any disappointment, but then bounce back. I don't want to crash into the bottomless pit of sadness and despair that caught up with me last time we got bad news. I can't do that again.
In some part of my brain I don't expect that we'll ever get good news. ever.
And in another part of my brain I am so hopeful that I 'joked' about a miracle for me last month.
The doc gave us a 50/50 chance that this FSH therapy could, in theory, result in sperm production. He explained that even if it was successful, there probably wouldn't be enough sperm to spill into the ejaculate and would still require surgical extraction and ISCI. But the thing is, this is an experimental treatment. Its not like the doc has seen/heard of more than a couple cases like this in his entire career. So really, anything is possible, but it is not a proven treatment, so it is more likely than not that this SA will be negative.
And if it is, I want to grieve, then move on.
So, to make it all a little more complicated, or possibly a blessing in disguise, we are leaving for 10 days of vacation immediately following the deposit next Wednesday. We'll be departing on a 12 hour road trip with my lover's best friend and a hitch-hiker acquaintance. So we'll get a call with the results while sitting in a car with two, for the purposes of this kind of news, strangers. I'll probably cry, and they won't know why. But they are boys and probably won't ask.
I'll bring my xana.x and have it handy in case my emotions start to get the better of me. and I'll have my love, right there with me (way better than drugs!). I'll paint my nails, which for some reason makes me feel good. and I'll have my laptop, so I can write. Writing has been the most incredible therapy. It is an outlet for the pain, a place to put it where I know it will be safe and where I can deal with it in smaller chunks. I'm meeting with my most awesome therapist tomorrow and I'm sure we'll come up with a few more tools to pack in my little resiliency toolkit.
So, yeah, I've not wanted to think about this, and have put off writing about it. Apparently I needed the LFCA push :) Regardless of the results next Wednesday, I feel your support and love. and it really means a lot to me.

I just spent some time catching up on your blog and story. So many of your posts rang true to me. My husband and I also received the devastating Azoo diagnosis several years ago. I wish you and your husband lots of luck with this treatment option. (we finally had success using DS).
I am keeping fingers and toes crossed for good news. I hope you enjoy your vacation and I am so anxious to hear your results. I am curious about asking our uro about this.
~Happy ICLW! xoxoxoxo
We'll be thinking of you, Foxy!
From ICLW. Looks like you are on the right track. If the biopsy showed sperm, IVF with ICSI may do the trick. Wishing you the very best!! I also thought your letter to the CDC was terrific. I wrote a blog on navigating their difficult site so I was thrilled to see that you'd complained to the CDC and they actually responded. Congrats!!
Hey love...breathe in and out...azoo is devastating, I know. But remember there are alternatives, okay? And I will be here if you need anything, you just let me know. HUGS!
Here from ICLW. I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed. Good luck with the SA and good luck with the road trip afterwards. I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way.
Good luck with the SA, I'm really pulling for you both. It sounds like the situation where you'll receive the results isn't ideal, but I'm hoping that what you'll get is good nows, and your tears will be happiness instead of other, darker emotions.
I too am hoping that you get good news. Sounds like you have a very interesting trip in the making! Hope you enjoy your time away regardless of what happens.
I am SO keeping you in my thoughts on this!
I totally relate and understand your feelings on this, because my husband will have another SA in a few months and I'm hopeful/terrified all at the same time.
Keeping my fingers crossed for some swimmers!
Keeping you in my thoughts!
Happy ICLW
Fingers crossed here for you!
I'll be thinking of you!
Fingers crossed for a great SA! Lots of luck to y'all :)
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