This blog has been a wonderful outlet for me. An essential tool in my toolkit of coping strategies. I wanted it to feel warm and welcoming when I visit. I wanted it to feel like 'me'. I wanted this space to hold my words and thoughts and emotions with strength and confidence.
Super awesome Alison, a fellow Azooser, at Giggly Girl Designs somehow managed to decipher the mess of ideas that I threw at her and come up with this beautiful design that I love. and in the process I got to talk with her on the phone, which may seem like such a tiny simple thing. It was however just what I needed to realize how much I really needed to get myself to a RESOLVE meeting. Little steps, one at a time, that lead me to places that I need to be.
I had a dream last night. I was pregnant. We'd just completed our first IVF cycle and I was in the 2ww, but I knew somehow. ML and I were overjoyed. It felt so good, so positive, and so happy. In my dream I knew that we were only pregnant with one, although irl I have a sense/wish that there are twins in our future.
I've been reading and hoping for you gals (Rach, Julie, Emmy) who are PUPO right now. Maybe some of that positivity showed up in my dreams, and I am so thankful to have this comforting vision to hang on to as we move forward and actually get to 'try' for the first time later this fall.
I wish I could send some of my dream positivity from last night over to Jenni, who is struggling with a different set of dreams. My nightmares are the pretty standard 'a bad man is after me' dream where I wake up screaming for help. I've actually had them with much more frequency than normal and I am wondering if it is a side effect of my happy pills.
The more I think about it, the more inclined I am to head straight to IVF regardless of whether we can use sperm from ML. First of all, I am in a solid emotional state at the moment, but I question my emotional fortitude for doing more cycles than absolutely necessary. Since IVF has twice the chance at success as IUI, I can only assume that it means less cycles will be required to knock me up. Secondly, the cost of IUI with donor sperm is not cheap. We've been quoted between $2-4K per IUI cycle. So, three cycles could end up costing us as much as one IVF cycle with an equivalent chance at success. Except with an IVF cycle I wold likely have extra embryos waiting for me to use with a FET. Has anyone else thought about this and actually run the percentages and costs? I'd be curious to know what others think about this.
In the meantime, I hope that you enjoy my new design as much as I do!

PS: Vegas is great. I spent all morning in the pool soaking up the sunshine. Ahhhhhh :)
Love the new blog... and I love it when I have dreams like that too! :)
it looks great. There seems to be an epidemic these days! I might have to do some remodeling too!
I love the new design. Super cute! I wish my dreams were telling me I'm pregnant! Instead, I'm just dreaming about the first day of school. Apparently, my sub-conscience just can't enjoy summer break!
I love the new layout it is so upbeat and refreshing :)
I just found you through the ICLW list and this post brings me back to having dreams before my first IVF. I too thought strongly I'd have twins and now I do!! They are 9 months old and sleeping in the room next to my 3 year old IVF miracle. I did 6 cycles all together. My hubby had sperm issues and we were told IUI wouldn't even be an option.
Anyway, I wish you LOADS of luck! I will be happy to follow your journey. I just added your link on my blogroll! I blog to help others ease stress through infertility--I hope you check it out! Happy ICLW! By the way, I'm your newest follower!
Oh my gosh your design is so cute and cheerful. :D I love it!
I'm so thrilled you like it, Foxy! I had so much fun designing with you - and I love when I get to talk to my fellow IFers! I hope the dream means good things are coming. Oddly enough, I had a dream that I was pg, too, just the other night!
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