My employer's group health insurance plan specifically excludes coverage for anything related to the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. I live in California and work for one of the largest employers in my County. I work for the boss, well, one of the bosses. If anyone can fix our insurance, she can, right?
I told her about our struggles last summer, when I was in Zombie condition. She is wonderful, understanding and kind. She knew when she hired me that having a family was my number one priority and that I would likely end up working part time at some point to be with my kids. She says the nicest things when I apologize for being distracted by our struggle, like, "Foxy, you are more effective now than most people when they are at 100%." It is nice and I know that she would do anything she can to support me.
I am super private about our infertility with everyone else at work. I'd originally called HR to ask about the options for changing our insurance, but didn't feel comfortable going into any details about our situation. I work very closely with the HR folks on work related stuff, and really don't need them knowing my personal business. I've been pondering how I can help my boss ask the right questions without revealing that I am the reason why.
The RESOLVE website has a generic letter to employers, and encourages all of us to send the letter to our employer and encourage them to change their insurance policy. There is apparently good research to show that infertility coverage actually results in lower premiums, higher employee productivity, etc... So I took the letter, customized it for my workplace, and drafted it as though it was coming from my boss at the request of an anonymous employee. I've had the draft letter on my desk for two weeks and finally took a deep breath and pitched it to my boss on Friday. She could tell it was a hard thing for me to ask her and let me change the subject immediately.
I'd worked with a state lobbyist in the past on maternal health issues. She called me earlier this year to see if I would be willing to testify about those issues in the Health Reform hearings. I let her know that I would be happy to testify, but confided that it would be hard considering our current struggles. Apparently she is also a lobbyist for fertility doctors. She told me all about some efforts that were underway to try and convince insurers to include coverage for IVF as a way to save on NICU costs. An insurer who covers IVF can limit the number of eggs that are transferred, lowering the 'risk' (or so they call it) of multiples. Multiples are more likely to spend time in the NICU, which is significantly more expensive than IVF. Someday I hope that I will be strong enough to testify in support of this rational and logical approach to insurance coverage.
The thing is I just know that My Lover and I are not the only ones struggling with this. If one in eight couples experience infertility, then there must be many more in my workplace who are silently suffering. I am in a position to change things. We are all in a position to change things, when we are strong enough to speak up and have our voice heard.
22 minutes ago
Thanks for posting the RESOLVE letter. I always have a hard time finding things on their site. Could be cause I just suck at finding things.
I have been trying to think of other ways to help my fellow infertiles. I hate that it's a social stigma and that no one talks about it. I'm thinking of entering Glamour's essay contest and writing about it.
They way I look at it, I don't care who knows, as long as I might be able to help someone else.
And I thought California was one of the states where you can get coverage... so does the law only mean that insurances have to offer it, but not that your employer has to offer it to you? This is so frustrating. Kudos to you for taking steps towards better coverage!
My works medical insurance has no coverage either, I wish they did. Luckily in Ontario, some things are covered by our OHIP (the provinces medical coverage) So it gives us a tiny break...tiny. lol
No coverage for us either, and it sucks!
I just realized that I replied to your comment on my site, but that you were the one asking earlier about how to be notified when people reply. Did you ever figure it out? I know WordPress has an option below the comment that will email you when comments are added, but I don't think Blogger does.
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