One of the most wonderful things about being a part of this blog community is being able to read what others have written. I've discovered some of the most incredible amazing posts by the most talented writers. Your stories are so often my story, and your fears are my fears. Seeing the words already written down, articulated so beautifully is the most comforting reassuring experience. For the first time I don't feel quite so alone. I feel validated. I feel like I've found a safe place to explore my thoughts and emotions and fears and hopes. I feel understood in the most wonderful way, by you and by myself.
I love leaving comments. I love leaving comments, even more than I love receiving comments. I love being able to say how a post makes me think and feel. I appreciate being able to express my appreciation to the author, to let them know that their post, their writing, their story has touched me in a meaningful way.
Apparently I am not alone in this desire to appreciate my fellow bloggers! One of Mel's special projects right now is the Celebration Society. Mel describes it as one of the most interesting delurking projects you'll ever participate in. You can read the whole background story at Mel's celebration society post. Basically, the celebration society is a way for you to tell me what my blog or comments mean to you. Really what I am hoping is that you will do the same on your blog - join the celebration society and create a place on your blog where I can tell you how much I appreciate YOU.
Ohhh - BTW - I just discovered that there are a few follow-up comments waiting for me at posts I have visited recently. I stumbled on a few of them, and can only assume that there are others that I might have missed. As I said before, I love leaving comments, and would love to read your follow-up post, however I don't know that you replied to me unless you let me know. There must be a better way to keep track of comments, like a gadget or something that keeps track of the posts I comment on - if you know about something please let me know!
I can tell you like to comment. I'm not always so great at it myself. I like to think about things, but I get tongue-tied (or is that finger-twisted?) and I can't figure out anything meaningful to say. In any case, I did replay to a few of the comments you left for me today, so I thought I'd let you know(These posts of mine: No News, Floating(or is that Sinking), Thoughts From Limbo, Fear and Bills, Good News) Thank you so much for making me feel like I did when I read through all your comments.
Hey Foxy-
I also like to comment, just to let someone know that I read their post and I care about what they're going through (since most of my comments are on IF blogs... funny how that works!) In response to your comment on my blog- I was told that because of my age (I'm 24) I fit more into the statistics of their egg donors, so she was using the success rate that women experience when they use the eggs of women the same age as me. If that makes sense.
As for the commenting thing and knowing when someone has replied, I think you can click an option before you comment to email you comment updates. I always forget to do it, though.
If I have a response to a comment somebody left on my blog, I typically go to their blog to respond.
I never go back and check blogs I already left comments on so if anyone has left any for me on their blog, I haven't seen them.
I love your spirit--you have so much energy and you have jumped into the community with your whole heart. Welcome to the ALI blogosphere.
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